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Union Budget 2008-09: A mixed bag


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In the last Union Budget of the UPA Government, the Finance Minister P Chidabaram showered substantial gains on the personal tax front. However, he has failed to bring about any radical changes in the corporate tax provisions. The domestic hydrocarbon industry, both upstream and downstream, expected the Budget 2008-09 to consider extending fiscal incentives to them on the lines of those given to other core sectors. However, the five per cent duty proposed by the Union Budget on import of naphtha could affect the margins of leading petrochemical producers in the country. The Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers plans to take up the issue seriously with the Finance Minister. The Union Minister of Chemicals and Fertilizers Ram Vilas Paswan is expected to meet the Finance Minister and the Prime Minister to discuss the issue of duty on naphtha imports.
机译:在UPA政府的上一联邦预算中,财政部长奇达巴拉姆(P Chidabaram)从个人税收方面获得了可观收益。但是,他未能在公司税规定方面带来任何根本性的变化。国内碳氢化合物行业,无论上游还是下游,都希望《 2008-09年预算》考虑在给予其他核心部门的财政激励措施的范围内扩大财政激励措施。但是,联盟预算提议的对石脑油进口征收的5%关税可能会影响该国主要石化产品生产商的利润。化学和肥料部计划与财政部长认真讨论这个问题。预计化学和肥料联盟部长拉姆·维拉斯·帕斯旺将与财政部长和总理会晤,讨论石脑油进口关税问题。



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