首页> 外文期刊>Hippocampus >Activation of immobility-related hippocampal theta by cholinergic septohippocampal neurons during vestibular stimulation

Activation of immobility-related hippocampal theta by cholinergic septohippocampal neurons during vestibular stimulation


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The vestibular system has been suggested to participate in spatial navigation, a function ascribed to the hippocampus. Vestibular stimulation during spatial navigation activates a hippocampal theta rhythm (4-10 Hz), which may enhance spatial processing and motor response. We hypothesize that a cholinergic, atropine-sensitive theta is generated during passive whole-body rotation in freely behaving rats. Hippocampal EEGs were recorded by implanted electrodes in CA1 while rats were rotated on a vertical axis, for a minute or longer, at different angular velocities. Rotation induced a continuous hippocampal theta rhythm while the rat was immobile, in both light and dark conditions. Theta peak frequency showed a significant increase during high (50-70 rpm) as compared with a lower (20-49 rpm) rotational velocity. Rotation-induced theta was abolished by muscarinic receptor antagonist atropine sulfate (50 mg/kg i.p.) but not by atropine methyl nitrate (50 mg/kg i.p.), which did not pass the blood-brain barrier. Theta was attenuated in rats in which cholinergic neurons in the medial septum (MS) were lesioned with 192 IgG-saporin (0.14 μg in 0.4 μl), as confirmed by depletion of MS cells immunoreactive to choline acetyltransferase and an absence of acetylcholinesterase staining in the hippocampus. Bilateral lesion of the vestibular receptors by sodium arsanilate (30 mg in 0.1 ml, intratympanically) also attenuated the rotation-induced theta rhythm. In intact rats, field excitatory postsynaptic potentials (fEPSPs) in CA1 evoked by commissural stimulation were smaller during walking or rotation as compared with during immobility. Modulation of fEPSP was absent following atropine sulfate in intact rats and in 192 IgG-saporin lesion rats. In summary, this is the first report of a continuous atropine-sensitive hippocampal theta in the rat induced by vestibular stimulation during rotation, and accompanied by cholinergic modulation of hippocampal synaptic transmission. Vestibular-activated septohippocampal cholinergic activity could be an important component in sensorimotor processing and spatial memory.
机译:已经建议前庭系统参与空间导航,这归因于海马体的功能。在空间导航过程中,前庭刺激会激活海马theta节奏(4-10 Hz),这可能会增强空间处理和运动反应。我们假设在行为自由的大鼠被动全身旋转过程中会产生胆碱能,对阿托品敏感的θ。通过在CA1中植入电极来记录海马EEG,而大鼠则以不同的角速度沿垂直轴旋转一分钟或更长时间。在大鼠处于静止和静止状态下,自转都会引起持续的海马θ节律。与较低的转速(20-49 rpm)相比,θ峰值频率在较高的转速(50-70 rpm)下显示出明显的增加。毒蕈碱受体拮抗剂硫酸阿托品硫酸盐(50 mg / kg腹腔注射)消除了旋转诱导的θ,但阿托品硝酸甲酯(50 mg / kg i.p.)没有消除,后者没有通过血脑屏障。在大鼠中隔(MS)的胆碱能神经元受192 IgG-saporin(0.44μl中的0.14μg)损伤的大鼠中,Theta减毒,这通过对胆碱乙酰转移酶具有免疫反应性的MS细胞的消耗以及在其中缺乏乙酰胆碱酯酶染色来证实海马。砷苯磺酸钠(30 mg,0.1 ml,鼓室内)对前庭受体的双侧损害也减弱了旋转诱发的θ节律。在完整大鼠中,与连续运动相比,通过连合刺激诱发的CA1中的野外兴奋性突触后电位(fEPSPs)较小。在完整大鼠和192个IgG-saporin损伤大鼠中,硫酸阿托品后不存在fEPSP的调节。总之,这是在旋转过程中由前庭刺激诱导并伴随着海马突触传递的胆碱能调节而在大鼠中连续产生阿托品敏感的海马θ的连续报道。前庭激活的海马海胆胆碱能活性可能是感觉运动处理和空间记忆中的重要组成部分。



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