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Court of Appeal cuts safety fine by 72 percent


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A 1,8m pounds fine has been reduced to 500,000 pounds by the Court of Appeal (R v C.RO Ports London Ltd [2016] All ER (D) 74 (Oct)). On 6 June 2014 Jason Houghton's arm became wrapped around a powered capstan while mooring an ocean-going vessel at a cargo dock in Purfleet. He was one of a three-man team securing the vessel's heavy mooring ropes to land at port operator C.RO Ports London Ltd (C.RO). The fingers of his left hand became caught between the rotating drum of the capstan and a heaving line. This caused his left arm to be dragged in and wrapped tightly about the rotating drum which was a few centimetres in diameter. A nearby colleague was able to cut the power, stop the capstan and release Mr Houghton's arm. He suffered multiple fractures and nerve and ligament damage and had to undergo surgery on a number of occasions. By the time C.RO was sentenced at Basildon Crown Court in January 2016 Mr Houghton had, in general terms, made a good recovery.
机译:上诉法院已将180万英镑的罚款减至500,000磅(R诉C.RO Ports London Ltd [2016] All ER(D)74(Oct))。 2014年6月6日,杰森·霍顿(Jason Houghton)的手臂被系在动力绞盘上,同时在普尔弗利特(Purfleet)的一个货运码头停泊了一艘远洋船。他是一个由三人组成的团队之一,负责将船只的沉重系泊绳固定在港口运营商C.RO Ports London Ltd(C.RO)上。他的左手手指夹在绞盘的旋转鼓和起伏线之间。这导致他的左臂被拖入并紧紧包裹在直径为几厘米的转鼓上。附近的一位同事切断了电源,停止了绞盘,松开了霍顿的手臂。他遭受了多处骨折以及神经和韧带损伤,不得不多次手术。到2016年1月C.RO在巴西尔登(Basildon)法院被判刑时,霍顿先生的病情总体得到了恢复。



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