首页> 外文期刊>Health policy and planning >Rehabilitating the health system after conflict in East Timor: a shift from NGO to government leadership.

Rehabilitating the health system after conflict in East Timor: a shift from NGO to government leadership.


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Efforts to rehabilitate health systems after periods of prolonged conflict have often been characterized by poor coordination of external actors - multilateral agencies, donors and non-governmental organizations (NGOs). This paper describes the process and analyses the roles of the different stakeholders in the establishment of a government-led district health system in East Timor, between 1999 and 2002, after decades of chronic conflict and Indonesian occupation. Future East Timorese policy-makers and health professionals began to mobilize in May 1999, in preparation for independence. During the emergency phase, from September 1999, when violence erupted, to March 2000, NGOs played a major role in the provision of relief to the population, coordinated by United Nations agencies. An Interim Health Authority, led by local Timorese, was established in March and the major donors began to shift funding from NGOs to the newly established Ministry of Health. A rapid phasing-out of NGOs, accompanied by a sequence of steps to build the capacity of Timorese to manage the new district health system, was implemented. Early evidence shows that health service utilization continued to grow during and after implementation.
机译:在长期冲突之后,恢复卫生系统的努力通常以外部行为者(多边机构,捐助者和非政府组织)的协调不力为特征。在经历了数十年的长期冲突和印度尼西亚占领之后,本文描述了这一过程并分析了不同利益相关者在东帝汶政府主导的地区卫生系统的建立中的作用,该过程由1999年至2002年。东帝汶未来的决策者和卫生专业人员于1999年5月开始动员,为独立做准备。在1999年9月爆发暴力的紧急阶段至2000年3月,在联合国机构的协调下,非政府组织在向民众提供救济方面发挥了重要作用。 3月成立了由当地帝汶人领导的临时卫生局,主要捐助者开始将资金从非政府组织转移到新成立的卫生部。已迅速淘汰了非政府组织,并采取了一系列步骤,以建设帝​​汶人管理新的地区卫生系统的能力。早期证据表明,在实施过程中和实施后,卫生服务的利用率持续增长。



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