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Interactions between critical health system functions and HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria programmes.


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The devastating health and socio-economic impact of communicable diseases such as HIV, tuberculosis and malaria in low-and middle-income countries has served as a rallying point for global health communities, including donors, to mobilize around the health-related Millennium Development Goals (UNDP). The unprecedented scale and speed of these investments has prompted a healthy debate on the effects of disease-specific funding on national health systems. In particular, the debate has centred on: (i) the interaction of these targeted programmes with wider health systems; (ii) the nature and extent of integration of these programmes with health system functions; (iii) benefits and synergies realised as a result of these interactions; (iv) unintended adverse effects of these investments on health systems; and (v) whether this programmatic approach is an effective way of achieving long-term, sustainable health outcomes (WHO Maximizing Positive Synergies Collaborative Group 2009; Atun et al. 2010).
机译:低收入和中等收入国家中诸如艾滋病毒,结核病和疟疾等传染病对健康和社会经济的破坏性影响,已成为包括捐助方在内的全球卫生界集结点,以围绕与卫生有关的千年发展目标进行动员(UNDP)。这些投资的规模和速度空前,引发了关于疾病特定资金对国家卫生系统的影响的健康辩论。特别是,辩论集中在:(i)这些目标规划与更广泛的卫生系统的相互作用; (ii)这些方案与卫生系统职能结合的性质和程度; (iii)通过这些互动实现的收益和协同作用; (iv)这些投资对卫生系统的意外不良影响; (v)这种计划方法是否是实现长期,可持续健康结果的有效方法(世卫组织最大限度地发挥积极协同作用协作组2009; Atun等人2010)。



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