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Customers' and physicians' opinions of and experiences with generic substitution during the first year in Finland.


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Medicine expenditures have continuously increased in Finland over the past 25 years. Generic substitution was introduced in Finland in the beginning of April 2003 with the aim of curbing the rise in the medical expenses of society and individuals. Pharmacists are obligated to substitute the cheapest or close to the cheapest medicine for prescribed medicine unless the customer refuses or the physician forbids substitution, which the physician can do for medical or therapeutic reasons. In this study, we explored how customers and physicians view the 2003 reform via two customer questionnaires and by interviewing physicians. The first questionnaires were handed out in 15 pharmacies in 5 geographical areas (hospital districts) in Finland to customers (n=1243, response rate 44%) who had refused generic substitution, and the second in 18 pharmacies in 6 geographical areas to customers (n=453, response rate 47%) who had accepted substituted medicines at least once. The physician interview study was directed to psychiatrists, geriatrists, internists and general practitioners (n=49). Most customers and physicians think generic substitution is a good reform measure. The main reason mentioned for substitution was to save money. The most important reason given for refusing substitution was the customers' positive experiences with medicines they had used previously. About half of the physicians thought not all interchangeable medicines are effective and safe.
机译:在过去的25年中,芬兰的药品支出不断增加。为了抑制社会和个人医疗费用的增长,2003年4月开始在芬兰引入了通用替代药物。除非客户拒绝或医师禁止替代,否则药剂师有义务用最便宜或接近最便宜的药物代替处方药,而出于医学或治疗的原因,医师可以这样做。在这项研究中,我们通过两份客户问卷调查表和与医生进行了访谈,探讨了客户和医生如何看待2003年的改革。第一份问卷是在芬兰5个地理区域(医院区)的15家药房向拒绝仿制药替代的客户(n = 1243,答复率44%)发放的,第二份问卷是在6个地理区域的18家药房向客户发放的n = 453,有效率47%)至少接受过一次替代药物。医师访谈研究针对的是精神科医生,老年科医生,内科医生和全科医生(n = 49)。大多数客户和医生认为仿制药替代是一项很好的改革措施。提到替代的主要原因是为了省钱。拒绝替代的最重要原因是客户对他们以前使用过的药品的积极体验。大约一半的医生认为并非所有可互换的药物都是有效和安全的。



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