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Autoimmune Hepatitis in a Murine Autoimmune Polyendocrine Syndrome Type 1 Model Is Directed Against Multiple Autoantigens


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Autoimmune polyendocrine syndrome type 1 (APS-1) is caused by mutations of the autoimmune regulator (AIRE) gene. Mouse studies have shown that this results in defective negative selection of T cells and defective early seeding of peripheral organs with regulatory T cells (Tregs). Aire deficiency in humans and mice manifests as spontaneous autoimmunity against multiple organs, and 20% of patients develop an autoimmune hepatitis (AIH). To study AIH in APS-1, we generated a murine model of human AIH on a BALB/c mouse background, in which Aire is truncated at exon 2. A subgroup of 24% of mice is affected by AIH, characterized by lymphoplasmacytic and periportal hepatic infiltrates, autoantibodies, elevated aminotransferases, and a chronic and progressive course of disease. Disease manifestation was dependent on specific Aire mutations and the genetic background of the mice. Though intrahepatic Treg numbers were increased and hyperproliferative, the intrahepatic CD4/CD8 ratio was decreased. The targets of the adaptive autoimmune response were polyspecific and not focussed on essential autoantigens, as described for other APS-1-related autoimmune diseases. The AIH could be treated with prednisolone or adoptive transfer of polyspecific Tregs. Conclusion: Development of AIH in APS-1 is dependent on specific Aire mutations and genetic background genes. Autoimmune response is polyspecific and can be controlled by steroids or transfer with Tregs. This might enable new treatment options for patients with AIH. (Hepatology 2015;61:1295-1305)
机译:1型自身免疫性多内分泌综合征(APS-1)是由自身免疫调节剂(AIRE)基因的突变引起的。小鼠研究表明,这会导致T细胞阴性选择缺陷,以及早期用调节性T细胞(Tregs)植入周围器官的缺陷。人类和小鼠的空缺缺乏表现为针对多个器官的自发性自身免疫,而20%的患者会发展为自身免疫性肝炎(AIH)。为了研究APS-1中的AIH,我们在BALB / c小鼠背景上构建了人类AIH小鼠模型,其中Aire在第2外显子处被截短。24%的小鼠亚组受到AIH的影响,其特征是淋巴浆细胞性和门静脉肝浸润,自身抗体,转氨酶升高以及疾病的慢性和进行性病程。疾病表现取决于特定的Aire突变和小鼠的遗传背景。尽管肝内Treg数量增加且过度增殖,但肝内CD4 / CD8比例却降低了。适应性自身免疫反应的目标是多特异性的,并且不像其他与APS-1相关的自身免疫性疾病那样集中于必需的自身抗原。 AIH可以用泼尼松龙或过继转移多特异性Tregs治疗。结论:APS-1中AIH的发展取决于特定的Aire突变和遗传背景基因。自身免疫反应是多特异性的,可以通过类固醇控制或通过Treg转移。这可能为AIH患者提供新的治疗选择。 (肝病2015; 61:1295-1305)


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