首页> 外文期刊>Harvard international law journal >The innovation of investor-state arbitration under NAFTA

The innovation of investor-state arbitration under NAFTA


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Investor-State arbitration under the North American Free Trade Agreement ("NAFTA") is a subject of considerable interest in recent academic literature, the publications of non-governmental organizations, and the news media. A substantial portion of this discourse centers on the novelty of the arbitration, sometimes depicting it as a startling departure from accepted methods of resolving public disputes. The novelty of NAFTA investor-State arbitration has been overstated. An example may serve to illustrate the issue. Some commentators have characterized NAFTA investor-State arbitration as an "end-run around the Constitution" in that it could "open [final decisions of] the U.S. civil justice system to challenge" under international law. Yet contemporaneous records show that the Framers crafted the Constitution as they did in part precisely because they were aware that domestic decisions were internationally open to question. Defending the Constitution's proposal for a federal judiciary, Alexander Hamilton argued that national courts should have jurisdiction over cases where the nation as a whole could be held internationally responsible: As the denial or perversion of justice by the sentences of courts, as well as in any other manner, is with reason classed among the just causes of war, it will follow that the federal judiciary ought to have cognizance of all causes in which the citizens of other countries are concerned. Thus, far from an "end-run around the Constitution," international claims of denial of justice were anticipated by the Constitution that Hamilton and others crafted. Such misperceptions suggest a need for a more nuanced examination of the novelty of NAFTA investor-State arbitration. The purpose of this Essay is to compare NAFTA investor-State arbitration with its historical antecedents and review precisely what about the institution is old and what is new. The Essay begins with a brief description of the institution, and then considers those elements of the NAFTA arbitration mechanism that have significant precedents as well as those that may be seen as departures. The discussion concludes with a few observations about the innovation of NAFTA investor-State arbitration in light of these elements.
机译:北美自由贸易协定(“ NAFTA”)下的投资人与国家之间的仲裁在最近的学术文献,非政府组织的出版物和新闻媒体中引起了极大的兴趣。这种讨论的很大一部分集中在仲裁的新颖性上,有时将其描述为与解决公共争端的公认方法大相径庭。 NAFTA投资者与国家间仲裁的新颖性被夸大了。一个例子可以用来说明这个问题。一些评论家将NAFTA投资者与国家之间的仲裁定性为“围绕宪法的终局”,因为它可以根据国际法“使美国民事司法系统的[最终裁决]面临挑战”。然而,同时期的记录表明,制宪者之所以制定宪法,部分原因在于他们意识到国内决定在国际上值得商question。亚历山大·汉密尔顿(Alexander Hamilton)捍卫《宪法》关于建立联邦司法机构的建议,认为国家法院应对整个国家都负有国际责任的案件具有管辖权:由于法院判决以及任何其他形式的判决均否认或歪曲了司法另一种方式是,由于理由被归类为战争的正当原因,因此,联邦司法机关应了解与其他国家公民有关的所有原因。因此,汉密尔顿和其他人制定的《宪法》已经预见到国际上对司法不公正的要求,这远非“以宪法为终点”。这种误解表明,有必要对NAFTA投资者与国家间仲裁的新颖性进行更细微的考察。本文的目的是将NAFTA投资者与国家之间的仲裁与其历史先例进行比较,并准确地回顾一下该机构的历史和新事物。论文从对机构的简要描述开始,然后考虑了北美自由贸易协定仲裁机制中有重要先例以及可能被视为背离的那些内容。鉴于这些因素,讨论结束时对NAFTA投资者—国家仲裁的创新提出了一些意见。



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