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A System of Selective Substitute Compliance


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In the field of securities regulation, there is something of a tradition for senior SEC officials to float major new initiatives in the pages of law reviews. The classic example is Milton Cohen's "Truth in Securities" Revisited, which appeared in the Harvard Law Review in 1966 and laid the conceptual groundwork for the integration of disclosure standards under federal securities laws and eventually the now-familiar practice of incorporation by reference. Ethiopis Tafara and Robert Peterson's Blueprint for Cross-Border Access to US. Investors may someday be seen as having a similar impact on the application of federal securities law to foreign entities.
机译:在证券监管领域,SEC高级官员在法律审查页面上提出重大新举措具有某种传统。最典型的例子是米尔顿·科恩(Milton Cohen)的“证券真相”(Truth in Securities),该书于1966年在《哈佛法律评论》上发表,为在联邦证券法下整合披露标准奠定了概念性基础,并最终为如今熟悉的通过引用合并的做法奠定了基础。 Ethiopis Tafara和Robert Peterson的《跨境进入美国蓝图》。有一天,投资者可能被视为对联邦证券法对外国实体的适用具有类似的影响。



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