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Successful Recruitment and Retention of Latino Study Participants


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A high prevalence of risk behaviors among the rapidly growing Latino youth population in the United States adds urgency to the need to identify effective recruitment and retention strategies for research studies and prevention programs. The objectives of this study are to (a) describe the culturally responsive recruitment and retention strategies used in the Familias Fuertes-Georgia program and (b) discuss the evaluation of the relative importance of these strategies. Familias Fuertes (i.e., Strong Families) is a community-based, primary prevention program for families in Latin America with children between the ages of 10 and 14 years. The main program goal is to reduce high-risk behaviors among adolescents by strengthening family relationships and promoting self-regulation and positive conflict resolution strategies. A pilot feasibility study was conducted to determine the appropriateness of the Familias Fuertes program for Latino families living in the United States. To promote participation, 15 culturally responsive recruitment and retention strategies were developed using a three-step process. These strategies contributed to the successful recruitment and retention of Familias Fuertes-Georgia study participants. Participating parents, the community liaison, and the community leader evaluated the relative importance of the 15 culturally responsive recruitment and retention strategies. Three of the strategies emerged as more important than others: face-to-face recruitment by the community liaison; bilingual, bicultural, and experienced facilitators; and free on-site child care. Further research is needed to develop strategies promoting the participation of male caregivers/fathers.
机译:在美国快速增长的拉丁美洲年轻人中,危险行为的普遍存在使人们迫切需要为研究和预防计划确定有效的招募和保留策略。这项研究的目的是(a)描述Familias Fuertes-Georgia计划中使用的具有文化响应性的招募和保留策略,以及(b)讨论对这些策略相对重要性的评估。 Familias Fuertes(即强壮家庭)是一项针对拉丁美洲年龄在10至14岁之间的家庭的社区初级预防计划。该计划的主要目标是通过加强家庭关系,促进自我调节和积极的冲突解决策略来减少青少年的高风险行为。进行了一项试点可行性研究,以确定Familias Fuertes计划是否适合居住在美国的拉丁裔家庭。为了促进参与,使用三步过程制定了15种具有文化响应性的招募和保留策略。这些策略有助于成功招募和保留Familias Fuertes-Georgia研究参与者。参与的父母,社区联络员和社区负责人评估了15种具有文化响应力的招募和保留策略的相对重要性。其中三种策略比其他策略显得更为重要:社区联络员面对面招聘;双语,双语和经验丰富的促进者;以及免费的现场儿童保育。需要进一步研究来制定促进男性照顾者/父亲参与的策略。



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