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A Point-of-Sale Communications Campaign to Provide Consumers Safety Information on Drug-Dietary Supplement Interactions: A Pilot Study


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Concurrent use of dietary supplements with over-the-counter and prescription pharmaceuticals has become increasingly common, and with this trend, so has the incidence of adverse drug-supplement interactions. In the current market, consumers have no way to distinguish between safe and potentially harmful supplements. Thus, the primary objective of this study was to test the hypothesis that messages designed to increase consumers' awareness of potential health risks of concurrent use of dietary supplements with over-the-counter and prescription pharmaceuticals would promote further consideration and action, as evidenced by (a) seeking additional information from an authoritative source or qualified health care professional and (b) changing dietary supplement usage patterns. To test this hypothesis, an innovative consumer information delivery system, referred to as the Buyer Information Network (BuyIN), was utilized. BuyIN uses currently available, Web-enabled point-of-sale (POS) technology to provide up-to-date, evidence-based, health- and safety-related messages to consumers at the retail checkout counter. Results showed that more than one-fourth (27.1%) of consumers (n = 199) who purchased targeted items reported they were aware of the messages. Of this subgroup of aware consumers, 11.2% reported that they sought additional information from a physician or pharmacist, 11.5% reported that they visited the website listed on the coupon, and 10.5% indicated that they changed their dietary supplement usage patterns as a result of the messages. Future research should include a large-scale study of a fully implemented and capable system at multiple test sites around the country, including investigating the utility of BuyIN in different retail settings.
机译:与非处方药和处方药同时使用膳食补充剂已变得越来越普遍,并且随着这种趋势,不良的药物-补充相互作用的发生率也越来越高。在当前市场上,消费者无法区分安全和潜在有害的补品。因此,本研究的主要目的是检验以下假设:旨在提高消费者对与非处方药和处方药同时使用膳食补充剂的潜在健康风险的认识的信息将促进进一步的考虑和行动,这一点得到了证明。 (a)从权威人士或合格的医疗保健专业人员那里寻求更多信息,以及(b)改变膳食补充剂的使用方式。为了检验这一假设,使用了一种创新的消费者信息传递系统,称为买方信息网络(BuyIN)。 BuyIN使用当前可用的,基于Web的销售点(POS)技术在零售结帐柜台向消费者提供最新的,基于证据的,与健康和安全相关的消息。结果显示,购买目标产品的消费者(n = 199)中有超过四分之一(27.1%)表示他们知道这些信息。在这一有意识的消费者亚组中,有11.2%的人表示他们从医生或药剂师处寻求其他信息,有11.5%的人称他们访问了优惠券上列出的网站,还有10.5%的人表示由于以下原因改变了饮食补充剂的使用方式消息。未来的研究应包括在全国多个测试地点对一个完全实施且功能强大的系统进行大规模研究,包括调查BuyIN在不同零售环境中的实用性。



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