首页> 外文期刊>Health communication >Direct-to-Consumer Antidepressant Advertising and Consumers' Optimistic Bias about the Future Risk of Depression: The Moderating Role of Advertising Skepticism

Direct-to-Consumer Antidepressant Advertising and Consumers' Optimistic Bias about the Future Risk of Depression: The Moderating Role of Advertising Skepticism


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Although exposure to direct-to-consumer prescription drug advertising (DTCA) is reported to influence the public's beliefs about diseases, no research has investigated how DTCA may affect the extent of consumers' optimistic bias about the future risk of diseases. Based on a survey with members of an online consumer panel (n = 699), the current study revealed that: (a) Consumers exhibited a tendency to believe they were at less risk of developing clinical depression in the future than their peers, demonstrating an optimistic bias. (b) Exposure to antidepressant DTCA acted to reduce the extent of such bias, especially when consumers were less skeptical of prescription drug advertising. When consumers were highly skeptical, DTCA exposure did not significantly relate to the extent of optimistic bias. (c) Once formed, the extent of optimistic bias negatively related to consumers' intention to seek information about depression. Implications of the research for the theory and practice of DTCA were discussed.
机译:尽管据报道接触直接面向消费者的处方药广告(DTCA)会影响公众对疾病的看法,但尚无研究调查DTCA如何影响消费者对未来疾病风险的乐观态度。根据对在线消费者小组成员(n = 699)进行的一项调查,当前的研究表明:(a)消费者表现出一种趋势,即他们相信自己将来比同龄人患临床抑郁症的风险要小,这表明乐观的偏见。 (b)接触抗抑郁药DTCA可以减少这种偏见的程度,尤其是当消费者对处方药广告的怀疑程度较低时。当消费者高度怀疑时,DTCA暴露与乐观偏见的程度并不显着相关。 (c)一旦形成,乐观偏见的程度与消费者寻求抑郁症信息的意愿负相关。讨论了该研究对DTCA理论和实践的启示。



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