
The beauty of stability: distal radioulnar joint stability in arthroscopic triangular fibrocartilage complex repair.


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The triangular fibrocartilage complex (TFCC) has an important role in the stability of the distal radioulnar joint (DRUJ) stability. We designed a new method of TFCC tear repair that has satisfactory post-operative DRUJ stability. From May 2004 to August 2010, 14 patients who underwent this operation were reviewed. The average post-operative follow-up period was 8.2 months; 66.7% of the patients with TFCC tear in sigmoid notch had clinical DRUJ instability, while only 50% of tear in fovea and 16.7% of tear in base of ulnar styloid had clinical DRUJ instability. Transosseous suture via inside-outside technique was used for repair. At the final follow-up, all 14 patients have soft end point with < 5 mm translations of the DRUJ shown by the stress test. Based on this small sample with satisfactory outcome assessed by the Mayo modified wrist score and DRUJ stability, we recommend TFCC tear in sigmoid notch, which has a higher chance of DRUJ instability, to be repaired by transosseous suture.
机译:三角纤维软骨复合体(TFCC)在远端尺ul关节(DRUJ)稳定性中具有重要作用。我们设计了一种具有令人满意的术后DRUJ稳定性的TFCC泪液修复新方法。从2004年5月至2010年8月,对14例接受了该手术的患者进行了回顾。术后平均随访时间为8.2个月;乙状结肠切开的TFCC撕裂患者中有66.7%具有临床DRUJ不稳定,而腓骨茎突中仅有50%的撕裂和尺骨茎突基部有16.7%的临床DRUJ不稳定。采用由内而外的穿刺骨缝线进行修复。在最后的随访中,所有14例患者的软终点均低于压力测试显示的DRUJ的平移<5 mm。基于通过Mayo改良手腕评分和DRUJ稳定性评估得到的满意结果的小样本,我们建议通过骨s缝合术修复乙状结肠切口中的TFCC撕裂,因为DCC不稳定的可能性更高。


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