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Better breeding the aim of Scottish salmon project


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Apost-doctoral research associate at the University of Glasgow is part of a multi-faceted project to help Scottish salmon enhancement hatcheries work in the most efficient manner and to aid with potential improvements if they're not. Dr. Tim Burton, who specializes in fish biology, said he has become part of a program to improve the effectiveness of programs at restocking hatcheries across Scotland. "The project is to look at ways to improve the management of stocks in the wild by making well-informed decisions about the parents that are used as broodstock in managing the populations in Scotland," said Burton. Burton noted that many of the wild stocks in Scodand have to be managed and assisted in compensation for hydro-electric systems that have been installed on salmon-bearing rivers. Dams are common on rivers in the northern part of the country, he said, so fish traps and compensatory hatcheries have been installed on numbers of affected rivers throughout the country.



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