
Pros and cons for European shale development.


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Dutch applied science and technology company TNO has developed what it calls an "Argument Map" that weighs out the pros and cons European countries must consider when deciding whether or not to allow tracking to develop domestic shale resources. On the pros side, TNO states that the development of shale resources can enhance local energy security while also helping to support other forms of energy development (e.g., geothermal) by generating a knowledge base that can be shared; shale gas is more environmentally friendly in terms of carbon emissions than burning coal or oil and the domestic shale gas production will allow EU members to better control the environmental impact of this development; shale gas can be produced safely as fracking technologies have been proven in North America and real time monitoring can be implemented to ensure that any risks to operators and the local community can be quickly mitigated; shale gas production will also help to prop up the economy in the country by lowering domestic energy costs, creating jobs, and attracting foreign investment; and the development of shale resources will strengthen a country politically as it will be less dependent on imports from countries that could be considered hostile.



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