
Australia passes carbon tax; will not apply to transportation fuels.


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Australia—which will introduce a carbon tax beginning in mid-2012 on its 500 most-polluting companies with the aim of reducing GHG emissions 5% below 2000 levels (159MM rrit/y) by 2020—will not include light vehicle fuels such as diesel, gasoline, and LPG in the $25.5B tax scheme. The country, which is the world's leading CO2 polluter per capita due to its heavy use of coal-fired power, will require firms to pay A$23/mt ($25/mt) of CO2 released. This carbon price will rise by 2.5%/y through 2015 before moving to a market-based emissions trading scheme (ETS), which will see the government limit the amount of permits released each year and set a "floor" and "ceiling" for carbon prices. Once implemented, Australia's ETS will be the world's largest outside of the EU.
机译:澳大利亚将从2012年年中开始对500家污染最严重的公司征收碳税,目标是到2020年将温室气体排放量降低5%,低于2000年的水平(159 MM rrit / y),其中不包括轻型车辆燃料,例如柴油,汽油和LPG中的$ 25.5B税收计划。由于大量使用燃煤发电,该国是全球人均二氧化碳排放领先的国家,该国将要求企业支付23澳元/吨(25美元/吨)的二氧化碳排放量。到2015年,碳价将以每年2.5%的速度增长,然后转向基于市场的排放交易计划(ETS),该计划将使政府限制每年发放的许可证数量,并为碳排放设定“底价”和“上限”。碳价格。一旦实施,澳大利亚的ETS将成为欧盟以外的世界上最大的碳交易体系。


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