
Refinery strike 2015: rise of the machines


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On Sunday, Feb. 1, talks between the United Steelworkers (USW) union and Royal Dutch Shell—the latter representing refiners across the US—broke down and the union decided to strike, declaring work stoppages at seven refineries and two other facilities. At last report, the strike was still ongoing. The refineries—Tesoro's 166K-b/d Martinez, CA, 240K-b/d Carson, CA, and 120K-b/d Anacortes, WA; Marathon Petroleum's 242K-b/d Cadettsburg, KY and 451K-b/d Galveston Bay, TX; Shell's 327K-b/d Deer Park, TX and LyondellBasell's 264K-b/d Houston, TX—have a combined capacity of 1.82MM b/d and make up about 10% of the country's total refining capacity. Sources noted that Tesoro had been targeted particularly because of reductions to profit-sharing and pension benefits that the company had pushed through in 2012. The latest news indicated that USW workers at BP's 400K-b/d Whiting, IN and its jv 160K-b/d refinery (with Husky Energy) at Toledo, OH will also walk off fhe jobs at 11:59 pm on Feb. 7. These additional two plants will raise the total affected refining capacity to about 13%. Currendy, 200 refineries, chemical plants, pipelines, and fuel terminals employ union workers; a full strike would interrupt two-thirds of US fuel production.
机译:2月1日,星期日,美国钢铁工人联合会(USW)工会与皇家荷兰壳牌公司(Royal Dutch Shell)之间的会谈破裂,工会决定罢工,工会决定罢工,宣布七个炼油厂和另外两个工厂停工。在最近的报告中,罢工仍在进行中。炼油厂-特索罗(Tesoro)的166K-b / d,加利福尼亚州马丁内斯,240K-b / d,加利福尼亚州卡森市和华盛顿州的120K-b / d Anacortes。马拉松石油公司(Marathon Petroleum)的肯塔基州卡德斯堡市242K-b / d和德克萨斯州加尔维斯顿湾451K-b / d;壳牌公司的327K-b / d得克萨斯州的Deer Park和里昂德尔·巴塞尔的264K-b / d得克萨斯州的休斯敦—的总产能为1.82 MM b / d,约占美国炼油总产能的10%。消息人士指出,Tesoro的目标尤其是因为该公司在2012年减少了利润分享和退休金福利。最新消息表明,BP的400K-b / d印第安纳州怀廷及其合资企业160K-b的USW工人俄亥俄州托莱多的/ d精炼厂(与赫斯基能源公司合作)也将于2月7日晚上11:59退出工作。这另外两家工厂将使受影响的炼油总产能提高到约13%。 Currendy,200个炼油厂,化工厂,管道和燃料码头都雇用工会工人;全面罢工将中断美国三分之二的燃料生产。



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