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Pain relief for childbirth: The preferences of pregnant women, midwives and obstetricians


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Objective: To compare the personal preferences of pregnant women, midwives and obstetricians regarding a range of physical, psychosocial and pharmacological methods of pain relief for childbirth. Method: Self-completed questionnaires were posted to a consecutive sample of 400 pregnant women booked-in to a large tertiary referral centre for maternity care in South Australia. A similar questionnaire was distributed to a national sample of 500 obstetricians as well as 425 midwives at: (1) the same hospital as the pregnant women, (2) an outer-metropolitan teaching hospital and (3) a district hospital. Eligible response rates were: pregnant women 31% (n=123), obstetricians 50% (n=242) and midwives 49% (n=210). Findings: Overall, midwives had a greater personal preference for most of the physical pain relief methods and obstetricians a greater personal preference for pharmacological methods than the other groups. Pregnant women's preferences were generally located between the two care provider groups, though somewhat closer to the midwives. All groups had the greatest preference for having a support person for labour with more than 90% of all participants wanting such support. The least preferred method for pregnant women was pethidine/morphine (14%). Conclusion: There are differences in the personal preferences of pregnant women, midwives and obstetricians regarding pain relief for childbirth. It is important that the pain relief methods available in maternity care settings reflect the informed preferences of pregnant women. ? 2011 Australian College of Midwives.
机译:目的:比较孕妇,助产士和妇产科医生对缓解产后疼痛的一系列物理,心理和药理学方法的偏好。方法:将自我完成的问卷发布到连续的样本中,该样本连续被400名预定在南澳大利亚的大型三级产妇转诊中心的孕妇预订。向全国500名妇产科医生和425名助产士的样本分发了类似的调查表:(1)与孕妇在同一家医院,(2)大都市教学医院和(3)地区医院。合格的回应率为:孕妇31%(n = 123),妇产科医生50%(n = 242)和助产士49%(n = 210)。研究结果:总的来说,助产士对大多数物理止痛方法的个人偏好更大,而产科医生对药理方法的个人偏好则高于其他人群。孕妇的喜好通常位于两个护理提供者组之间,尽管稍微接近助产士。所有群体最希望有一个劳动力支持者,而所有参与者中有90%以上都希望得到这种支持。孕妇最不喜欢的方法是哌替啶/吗啡(14%)。结论:孕妇,助产士和产科医生在缓解分娩疼痛方面的个人偏好存在差异。重要的是,产妇护理中可用的止痛方法应反映出孕妇的知情选择。 ? 2011澳大利亚助产士学院。



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