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Strong breeze calling


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WINEGRAPE growers in the Lodi, CA, crush district can now arrange for weather stations to send them an eMail or textmessage if there's a change in the weather. A new system enables growers to sign up for notification when a certain level is reached at any of the 16 weather stations in the district, which extends roughly from the northern California cities of Stocktonto Sacramento. There are a whole host of conditions that a grower — who simply needs a password to sign up and log on with any Web-enabled device — can set up for alerts. Temperature, precipitation, and wind direction and speed -are just a few of the conditions for which growers can set up alarms, says Stuart Spencer, the Lodi Winegrape Commission's program manager. "The grower chooses the parameters," he says. "As much as you want your phone ringing, you can set it up."
机译:加利福尼亚州洛迪市美眉区的WINEGRAPE种植者现在可以安排气象站向他们发送电子邮件或文本消息(如果天气变化的话)。一个新的系统使种植者能够在该地区的16个气象站中的任何一个达到某个水平时签署通知,该气象站大致从加利福尼亚北部城市斯托克顿到萨克拉门托延伸。种植者可以设置警报的条件很多,种植者只需要密码即可使用任何启用Web的设备进行注册和登录。 Lodi Winegrape Commission的项目经理Stuart Spencer说,温度,降水以及风向和风速-只是种植者可以设置警报的几个条件。他说:“种植者选择参数。” “只要您希望手机响铃,就可以进行设置。”



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