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Nutty Alternative: Some California growers are planting more of a traditionally Southeastern nut, the pecan


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ON THE face of it, planting pecans in California seems downright, well, nutty. When the state has a veritable exclusive on such high-dollar nuts as almonds and walnuts — both of which continue to command attractive prices — why would growers be planting pecans? "They like marginal soils," answers Gary Vance, the president of the California Pecan Growers Association. "They actually prefer low-class soils." Vance, who farms 110 acres of pecans in Corning, a couple hours north of Sacramento, freely admits most growers would opt for almonds or walnuts. But in some situations, pecans are a nice alternative. "Sure, if you've got good almond ground or walnut ground, you wouldn't want to even think of growing pecans," he says. "But they are a very good option for anyone growing on marginal soils."
机译:从表面上看,在加利福尼亚种植山核桃似乎是彻头彻尾的,好吃的。当国家对杏仁和核桃等高价坚果拥有真正的专有权时,两者仍继续保持诱人的价格,为什么种植者会种植山核桃?加州山核桃种植者协会主席加里·万斯(Gary Vance)回答说:“他们喜欢边缘土壤。” “他们实际上更喜欢低等土壤。”万斯在萨克拉曼多以北几个小时的康宁农场种植了110英亩的山核桃,他自由地承认大多数种植者会选择杏仁或核桃。但是在某些情况下,山核桃是不错的选择。他说:“当然,如果您有很好的杏仁磨或胡桃磨,您甚至都不会想到种植山核桃。” “但是对于在边缘土壤上生长的任何人来说,它们都是一个很好的选择。”



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