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Boost your soil with worms


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Earthworms play an important role in processes occurring in your soil. Earthworms have generally been underestimated and overlooked as major contributors to physical, chemical, and biological processes occurring in soils, but they are an important component of the soil ecosystem. If there were no soil fauna, leaves and twigs dropped from plants would simply accumulate at the soil surface and would not become incorporated. Instead, soil fauna make vital components such as nitrogen and carbon available for use by growing plants and other organisms. Earthworms are a major group of large fauna that play a significant role in the dynamics of a healthy soil. Earthworms ingest and excrete both organic and mineral components as they travel through the soilin search of food. They feed on dead plant tissue and the fungi, bacteria, and other microorganisms associated with it.
机译:in在土壤中发生的过程中起着重要作用。人们普遍低估了worm,而as是造成土壤中物理,化学和生物过程的主要因素,但they是土壤生态系统的重要组成部分。如果没有土壤动物,从植物上掉下来的叶子和细枝只会在土壤表面积聚,而不会被吸收。取而代之的是,土壤动物使诸如氮和碳等重要成分可供生长中的植物和其他生物体使用。 are是大型动物群中的一大部分,它们在健康土壤的动力学中起着重要作用。 through在土壤中寻找食物时会摄取和排泄有机和矿物质成分。它们以死亡的植物组织以及与其相关的真菌,细菌和其他微生物为食。



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