首页> 外文期刊>Water, Air and Soil Pollution: Focus. >Impact of Cathode Conditions on Coupled Electrochemical Treatment of Nitrate Brine Concentrates

Impact of Cathode Conditions on Coupled Electrochemical Treatment of Nitrate Brine Concentrates


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Simulated concentrated nitrate brine waste was treated in a two-stage electrolysis process, where reduction of nitrate in a cathodic chamber was coupled with oxidation of ammonium (produced in the previous stage) in an anodic chamber. The influence of operating conditions such as applied potential, electrolyte composition, and initial concentration on conversion of nitrate to ammonium in the cathodic chamber was investigated. The effects of chloride and current density on the two-stage treatment process were also examined. More negative potential at the cathode (-2.0 vs. -1.7 and -1.5 V) and higher current density (33 vs. 22 and 13.9 mA/ cm~2) favored ammonium as the product of nitrate reduction at a copper cathode and increased the overall amount of nitrate conversion. Faster reduction was seen when nitrate concentration was lower (0.01 vs. 0.02 N), but total mass conversion of nitrate in the same time period was higher for 0.02 N. The reduction of nitrate was not sensitive to sulfate or chloride concentration in the ranges studied (0-2 and 1-1.5 mg/L, respectively), but the oxidation of ammonium was noticeably higher when chloride was present. Only small amounts of ammonium and nitrate remained in the second-stage effluent after coupled treatment.
机译:模拟的浓硝酸盐盐水废物经过两步电解处理,其中在阴极腔中还原硝酸盐与在阳极腔中氧化铵(在前一阶段产生)有关。研究了工作条件(例如施加的电势,电解质成分和初始浓度)对阴极室中硝酸盐向铵的转化的影响。还检查了氯化物和电流密度对两阶段处理过程的影响。阴极上更多的负电势(-2.0对-1.7和-1.5 V)和更高的电流密度(33对22和13.9 mA / cm〜2)有利于铵盐作为铜阴极上硝酸盐还原的产物,并增加了硝酸盐转化的总量。当硝酸盐浓度较低(0.01 vs. 0.02 N)时,还原速度更快,但0.02 N时硝酸盐的总质量转化率较高。在研究的范围内,硝酸盐还原对硫酸盐或氯化物的浓度不敏感(分别为0-2和1-1.5 mg / L),但是当存在氯化物时,铵的氧化明显更高。耦合处理后,第二阶段的废水中仅残留少量的铵和硝酸盐。



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