首页> 外文期刊>Wireless personal communications: An Internaional Journal >EACLE: Energy-Aware Clustering Scheme with Transmission Power Control for Sensor Networks

EACLE: Energy-Aware Clustering Scheme with Transmission Power Control for Sensor Networks


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In this paper, we propose a new energy efficient clustering scheme with transmission power control named "EACLE" (Energy-Aware CLustering scheme with transmission power control for sEnsor networks) for wireless sensor networks, which are composed of the following three components; "EACLE clustering" is a distributed clustering method by means of transmission power control, "EACLE routing" builds a tree rooted at a sink node and sets the paths from sensor nodes taking energy saving into consideration, and "EACLE transmission timing control" changes the transmission timing with different levels of transmission power to avoid packet collisions and facilitates packet binding. With an indoor wireless channel model which we obtained from channel measurement campaigns in rooms and corridors and an energy consumption model which we obtained from a measurement of a chipset, we performed computer simulations to investigate the performance of EACLE in a realistic environment. Our simulation results indicate that EACLE outperforms a conventional scheme such as EAD (Energy-Aware Data-centric routing) in terms of communication success rate and energy consumption. Furthermore, we fully discuss the impact of transmission power and timing control on the performance of EACLE.
机译:在本文中,我们为无线传感器网络提出了一种新的具有发射功率控制的节能集群方案,称为“ EACLE”(sEnsor网络的具有发射功率控制的节能聚类方案),该方案由以下三个部分组成: “ EACLE群集”是一种通过传输功率控制的分布式群集方法,“ EACLE路由”构建了一个以宿节点为根的树,并考虑到节能情况设置了来自传感器节点的路径,而“ EACLE传输定时控制”更改了传输时序具有不同级别的传输功率,以避免数据包冲突并促进数据包绑定。利用我们从房间和走廊的信道测量活动中获得的室内无线信道模型,以及从芯片组的测量中获得的能耗模型,我们进行了计算机仿真,以研究EACLE在现实环境中的性能。我们的仿真结果表明,在通信成功率和能耗方面,EACLE优于传统方案,例如EAD(以能源为中心的数据为中心的路由)。此外,我们充分讨论了发射功率和时序控制对EACLE性能的影响。



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