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How to cut PMWS mortality outdoors


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Outdoor systems may appear to produce a healthier and a less stressful environment for pigs, but when PMWS/PDNS strikes there are no advantages. But experience shows that improving biosecurity, adopting stringent hygiene protocols and reducing stressoffers very real benefits. Rattlerow's 500-sow Levington unit, fell victim to PMWS during the winter of 2000-2001. Post-weaning mortality peaked at 18.4 percent in January 2001 and unit manager John Theobald decided radical changes were needed to regaincontrol. 'We had already seen how Clean-Flow had helped ease the situation on one of our indoor units and felt that we could make similar changes to our routine to control PMWS, he explains. The three-man team of John, Stuart Goldsmith and Robert Welhamrun a very tight ship which is reflected in the herd's consistently good performance (see table). So, watching post-weaning mortality increase so rapidly was very demoralising.
机译:室外系统似乎可以为猪提供一个更健康,压力较小的环境,但是当PMWS / PDNS出现时,没有任何优势。但是经验表明,提高生物安全性,采用严格的卫生规程和减轻压力提供了非常实际的好处。 Rattlerow的500头母猪Levington部队在2000-2001年冬季成为PMWS的受害者。断奶后的死亡率在2001年1月达到了18.4%的峰值,部门经理John Theobald认为需要彻底改变以重新控制。他解释说:“我们已经了解到Clean-Flow如何帮助缓解其中一台室内机的情况,并认为我们可以对控制PMWS的程序进行类似的更改。约翰,斯图尔特·史密斯(Stuart Goldsmith)和罗伯特·韦勒姆(Robert Welham)这三人组成的船队非常紧凑,这体现在牛群一贯的出色表现(见表)。因此,观察断奶后死亡率如此迅速的增长非常令人沮丧。



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