首页> 外文期刊>Biological psychiatry >Neural and behavioral effects of a novel Mu opioid receptor antagonist in binge-eating obese people

Neural and behavioral effects of a novel Mu opioid receptor antagonist in binge-eating obese people


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Background: Binge eating is associated with obesity and has been conceptualized as food addiction. However, this view has received only inconsistent support in humans, and limited evidence relates key neurocircuitry to the disorder. Moreover, relatively few studies have used pharmacologic functional magnetic resonance imaging to probe the underlying basis of altered eating behaviors. Methods: In a double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel group study, we explored the effects of a potent mu-opioid receptor antagonist, GSK1521498, in obese individuals with moderate binge eating. Subjects were tested during a baseline placebo run-in period and retested after 28-days of drug (n = 21) or placebo (n = 21) treatment. Using functional magnetic resonance imaging and behavioral measures, we determined the drug's effects on brain responses to food images and, separately, on motivation to expend energy to view comparable images. Results: Compared with placebo, GSK1521498 was associated with a significant reduction in pallidum/putamen responses to pictures of high-calorie food and a reduction in motivation to view images of high-calorie food. Intriguingly, although motivational responding was reduced, subjective liking for the same images actually increased following drug treatment. Conclusions: Stimulus-specific putamen/pallidal responses in obese people with binge eating are sensitive to altered mu-opioid function. This neuromodulation was accompanied by reductions in motivational responding, as measured by grip force, although subjective liking responses to the same stimuli actually increased. As well as providing evidence for a link between the opioid system and food-related behavior in binge-eating obese individuals, these results support a dissociation across measures of motivation and liking associated with food-related stimuli in these individuals.
机译:背景:暴饮暴食与肥胖有关,并已被概念化为食物成瘾。然而,这种观点在人类中仅得到了不一致的支持,并且有限的证据将关键神经回路与该疾病相关。此外,相对较少的研究已经使用药理功能磁共振成像来探究改变饮食行为的潜在基础。方法:在一项双盲,安慰剂对照,平行组研究中,我们探讨了有效的μ阿片受体拮抗剂GSK1521498对中度暴饮暴食的肥胖患者的影响。在基线安慰剂磨合期对受试者进行测试,并在药物(n = 21)或安慰剂(n = 21)治疗28天后进行重新测试。使用功能性磁共振成像和行为测量,我们确定了该药物对大脑对食物图像反应的影响,并分别确定了其消耗能量以查看可比图像的动机。结果:与安慰剂相比,GSK1521498显着降低了苍白球/丘脑对高热量食物图片的反应,并降低了查看高热量食物图片的动力。有趣的是,尽管动机反应减少了,但在药物治疗后,对相同图像的主观喜好实际上却增加了。结论:肥胖暴饮暴食者的刺激特异性壳蛋白/苍白球反应对改变的阿片类药物功能敏感。尽管对相同刺激的主观喜好反应实际上有所增加,但这种神经调节伴随着以握力测量的动机反应的减少。除了为暴饮暴食的肥胖个体中的阿片类药物系统与食物相关行为之间的联系提供证据外,这些结果还支持了与这些个体中与食物相关的刺激相关的动机和喜好程度的分离。



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