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Major depression is a risk factor for low bone mineral density: a meta-analysis.


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BACKGROUND: The role of depression as a risk factor for low bone mineral density (BMD) and osteoporosis is not fully acknowledged, mainly because the relevant literature is inconsistent and because information on the mechanisms mediating brain-to-bone signals is rather scanty. METHODS: Searching databases and reviewing citations in relevant articles, we identified 23 studies that quantitatively address the relationship between depression and skeletal status, comparing 2327 depressed with 21,141 nondepressed individuals. We subjected these studies to meta-analysis, assessing the association between depression and BMD as well as between depression and bone turnover markers. RESULTS: Overall, depressed individuals displayed lower BMD than nondepressed subjects, with a composite weighted mean effect size (d) of -.23 (95% confidence interval: -.33 to -.13; p < .001). The association between depression and BMD was similar in the spine, hip, and forearm. It was stronger in women (d = -.24) than men (d = -.12) and in premenopausal (d = -.31) than postmenopausal (d = -.12) women. Only women individually diagnosed for major depression by a psychiatrist with DSM criteria displayed significantly low BMD (d = -.36); women diagnosed by self-rating questionnaires did not (d = -.06). Depressed subjects had increased urinary levels of bone resorption markers (d = .52). CONCLUSIONS: The present findings portray depression as a significant risk factor for low BMD. Premenopausal women who are psychiatrically diagnosed with major depression are particularly at high-risk for depression-associated low BMD. Hence, periodic BMD measurements and antiosteoporotic prophylactic and curative measures are strongly advocated for these patients.
机译:背景:抑郁症作为低骨密度和骨质疏松症的危险因素的作用尚未得到充分认识,这主要是因为相关文献不一致,并且关于介导脑骨信号机制的信息还很少。方法:搜索数据库并审查相关文章中的引文,我们鉴定了23项定量解决抑郁与骨骼状态之间关系的研究,将2327例抑郁患者与21,141例非抑郁患者进行了比较。我们对这些研究进行了荟萃分析,评估了抑郁症和BMD之间以及抑郁症和骨转换标志之间的关联。结果:总体而言,抑郁者的BMD低于非抑郁者,综合加权平均效应大小(d)为-.23(95%置信区间:-.33至-.13; p <.001)。脊柱,臀部和前臂的抑郁症与BMD之间的关联相似。女性(d = -.24)比男性(d = -.12)强,而绝经前(d = -.31)的女性强于绝经后(d = -.12)的女性。只有由精神科医生根据DSM标准单独诊断出患有严重抑郁症的妇女的BMD明显较低(d = -.36);经自我评估问卷诊断为女性的女性没有(d = -.06)。抑郁的受试者尿液中的骨吸收标志物水平升高(d = .52)。结论:本研究结果将抑郁症描述为低BMD的重要危险因素。在精神病学上被诊断出患有严重抑郁症的绝经前妇女尤其容易遭受与抑郁症相关的低BMD。因此,强烈建议这些患者定期进行BMD测量以及抗骨质疏松的预防和治疗措施。



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