首页> 外文期刊>Weed Biology and Management >Allelopathic potential of Trifolium resupinatum L. (Persian clover) and Trifolium alexandrium L. (Berseem clover).

Allelopathic potential of Trifolium resupinatum L. (Persian clover) and Trifolium alexandrium L. (Berseem clover).


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This experiment was conducted in order to determine if Persian clover (Trifolium resupinatum) and Berseem clover (Trifolium alexandrium) contained water-soluble and methanol-soluble constituents that could affect the seedling growth of four test species; namely, Amaranthus retroflexus, Convolvulus arvensis (field bindweed), Secale cereale, and Sinapis arvensis (wild mustard). The above-ground tissues of the Persian and Berseem clover plants were collected during the vegetative growth stage and oven-dried. Three concentrations of aqueous and methanolic extracts were used at full-strength (33.3 g L-1), half-strength (16.7 g L-1), and quarter-strength (8.3 g L-1). Distilled water was used as the control. The weed seeds were placed in Petri dishes containing the legume extract or distilled water (control). The seedling growth of the weed species declined with the increasing concentration of the clover extracts. Wild mustard exhibited the highest sensitivity to both the legume extracts. Compared to the aqueous extract, the methanolic extract caused a greater decline in the seedling growth of the weeds. Berseem clover was the stronger inhibitor of the weed seedling growth, as compared to Persian clover. Therefore, the amounts of allelochemicals present might differ in these two clover species. Field bindweed showed the least sensitivity to both the legume extracts. Field bindweed showed more tolerance to the allelochemicals produced by the clover species.
机译:进行该实验是为了确定波斯三叶草(Trifolium resupinatum)和伯尔西姆三叶草(Trifolium alexandrium)是否包含水溶性和甲醇可溶性成分,这些成分会影响四个试验物种的幼苗生长。分别是A菜,田空心菜,旋花麦片和芥菜(野芥菜)。在营养生长阶段收集波斯和Berseem三叶草植物的地上组织,然后烘干。分别使用全浓度(33.3 g L-1),半浓度(16.7 g L-1)和四分之一浓度(8.3 g L-1)的三种浓度的水和甲醇提取物。蒸馏水用作对照。将杂草种子放入含有豆类提取物或蒸馏水(对照)的培养皿中。随着三叶草提取物浓度的增加,杂草物种的幼苗生长下降。野芥菜对两种豆类提取物表现出最高的敏感性。与水提取物相比,甲醇提取物引起杂草幼苗生长的更大下降。与波斯三叶草相比,Berseem三叶草是杂草幼苗生长的更强抑制剂。因此,在这两个三叶草物种中存在的化感物质的量可能不同。野菜对两种豆科植物提取物的敏感性最低。野草显示出对三叶草物种产生的化感物质的更大耐受性。



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