首页> 外文期刊>The International journal of pharmacy practice >Reforming the quality use of medicines in Australian aged care facilities: a new pharmacy practice model

Reforming the quality use of medicines in Australian aged care facilities: a new pharmacy practice model


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Objective Numerous problems exist with accessing prescription medicines in Australian Residential Aged Care Facilities (RACF). This research aimed to identify the issues surrounding a theoretical model for pharmacists' prescribing in these facilities that had been proposed to address these problems. Specific objectives were to conceptually tailor the model to the RACF setting and qualitatively examine its potential applicability. Setting Data were collected from June to September 2004 via 34 semi-structured interviews with representatives of 28 stakeholder organisations, and 12 homogeneous focus groups comprising 25 consumers, 28 pharmacists and 18 medical practitioners representing rural and metropolitan locations. Participants were sourced from four states/territories of Australia. Method The so-called 'Medication Maintenance' model had previously been developed from the international literature and discussion with an expert steering committee. It proposes a system for pharmacists to continue Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme prescriptions for patients whose therapy had been stabilised by a medical practitioner, by one month, one repeat or one original pack, as appropriate. The potential benefits, harms, barriers and facilitators were discussed with relevant stakeholders. Data were thematically analysed, and recommendations made for trial of the model. Key findings Potential benefits of the 'Medication Maintenance' model include improved patient focus, efficiency and interprofessional relationships. Potential harms include increased risk, possible wastage and exploitation. Potential barriers include role conflict, lack of controls, legislative issues and conflict of interest for pharmacists. Facilitators for the model were identified as defined roles and protocols, limitations on supply, regular patient review, communication channels and shared patient records. Conclusion A range of benefits, harms, barriers and facilitators of this theoretical model were elucidated from stakeholders. This has led tothe proposal of a staged implementation trial of the model, which should involve clinical, humanistic and economic outcome monitoring, and attitudi-nal, practical and legislative issues to be addressed.
机译:目的在澳大利亚居民养老院(RACF)中获取处方药存在许多问题。这项研究旨在确定围绕药剂师在这些设施中开处方的理论模型的问题,这些问题已被提出来解决这些问题。具体目标是从概念上将模型调整为适合RACF设置并定性检查其潜在适用性。 2004年6月至2004年9月,通过与28个利益相关者组织的代表以及12个同质焦点小组(包括25个消费者,28位药剂师和18位代表农村和大城市地区的医疗工作者)的代表进行了34次半结构化访谈,收集了设置数据。参与者来自澳大利亚的四个州/地区。方法所谓的“药物维持”模型以前是根据国际文献开发的,并与专家指导委员会进行了讨论。它为药剂师提出了一个系统,以继续对已由医生稳定治疗的患者继续适用“药品福利计划”处方,有效期为一个月,重复一次或一份原始包装。与有关利益相关者讨论了潜在的利益,危害,障碍和促进者。对数据进行了主题分析,并提出了试用模型的建议。主要发现“药物维持”模型的潜在好处包括改善患者关注度,效率和专业之间的关系。潜在危害包括增加风险,可能的浪费和剥削。潜在的障碍包括角色冲突,缺乏控制,立法问题以及药剂师的利益冲突。该模型的促进者被确定为定义的角色和协议,供应限制,定期的患者检查,沟通渠道和共享的患者记录。结论利益相关者阐明了该理论模型的各种利弊,障碍和促进因素。这导致了该模型的分阶段实施试验的提议,该试验应包括临床,人文和经济结果监测,以及应解决的态度,实践和立法问题。



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