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The eye of the striped owl: morphologic observations, biometric findings and reference values for selected ophthalmic diagnostics tests


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The investigation aimed to describe the most relevant morphological characteristics of the eyes of the striped owl (Asio clamator) and determine normal values for selected ophthalmic diagnostic tests. A total of 32 eyes of 16 young and adult free-ranging healthy striped owls of both sexes were investigated. Data of different morphological observations of the skull, eye globe and adnexa, clinical tests and parameters were collected, including Schirmer Tear Test (STT), normal conjunctival bacterial microbiota, esthesiometry, intraocular pressure (IOP), central corneal thickness (CCT), horizontal palpebral fissure length, horizontal, corneal diameter and fundoscopy. Twenty two types of bacteria were identified in twelve owls, the most frequent bacteriae were the Gram-positive. The mean value found for the STT was 5.03+/-3.28mm/min; horizontal palpebral fissure lengths was 21.24+/-1.17mm, and 15.7+/-2.74mm for horizontal corneal diameter. The mean value for the esthesiometry was 0.80+/-0.59cm, IOP was 13.81+/-5.62mmHg and CCT was 0.28+/-0.03cm. This study contributes to establish reference values for selected ophthalmic diagnostic tests in the striped owl, as well as for morphological characterization of the eyeball of Asio clamator; but it is still necessary to characterize furthermore its histologic features.
机译:该研究旨在描述条纹猫头鹰(Asio蛤lam)的眼睛最相关的形态特征,并确定所选眼科诊断测试的正常值。共调查了32只16性别的年轻和成年自由放养的健康条纹猫头鹰的32只眼睛。收集颅骨,眼球和附件的不同形态学观察数据,临床试验和参数,包括Schirmer撕裂试验(STT),正常结膜细菌菌群,美学,眼压(IOP),角膜中央厚度(CCT),水平睑裂长度,水平,角膜直径和眼底镜检查。在十二只猫头鹰中鉴定出22种细菌,最常见的细菌是革兰氏阳性。 STT的平均值为5.03 +/- 3.28mm / min;水平睑裂的长度为21.24 +/- 1.17mm,水平角膜直径的为15.7 +/- 2.74mm。美学测定的平均值为0.80 +/- 0.59cm,IOP为13.81 +/- 5.62mmHg,CCT为0.28 +/- 0.03cm。这项研究有助于为条纹猫头鹰中的眼科诊断测试以及Asio蛤lam眼球的形态表征建立参考值。但仍然有必要进一步表征其组织学特征。



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