首页> 外文期刊>Pesquisa Veterinaria Brasileira >Renal cell carcinoma of cattleOriginal Title (non-English) Carcinoma de celulas renais em bovinos [Portuguese]

Renal cell carcinoma of cattleOriginal Title (non-English) Carcinoma de celulas renais em bovinos [Portuguese]


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Lucena R. B., Carmo P. M. S., Oliveira-Filho J.C., Pierezan F., Tessele B., Giaretta P. R., Kommers G.D. & Barros C. S. L. 2011. [Renal cell carcinoma of cattle.] Carcinoma de celulas renais em bovinos. Pesquisa Veterinaria Brasileira 31(6):487-494. Departamento de Patologia, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Camobi, Santa Maria, RS 97105-900, Brazil. E-mail: claudioslbarros@uol.com.brNine cases of renal cell carcinoma were observed in a research of 586 tumors found at the necropsy of 6,706 cattle performed during 45 years (1964-2008). Of those, six cattle died due to complications related to the tumors and in three cattle the tumors were incidental findings. Clinical signs displayed by cattle affected by renal cell carcinoma were weight loss (5 cases), palpable abdominal masses (4 cases), respiratory distress (4 cases), cough (4 cases), partial (3 cases) or complete (2 cases) anorexia, abdominal pain (2 cases) and fever (1 case). The observed clinical signs were related to complications induced by metastasis that were present in all of the nine cases. Metastases were observed in the abdominal lymph nodes, peritoneum, liver and lung. Two cattle had bilateral renal tumors. Microscopically, tubular, solid, and mixed solid and tubulopapillary patterns were observed. The eosinophilic cellular type was predominant and only one solid tumor was basically formed by clear cells. Scirrhous reaction varied from mild to marked. Corpora amylaceae was a common finding. At immunohistochemistry, all tested tumors displayed variable degrees of positive reactivity to keratin AE1/AE3 and to CD10. CD10 was strongly positive in clear cells renal carcinomas and less intense in the other tumor types. Focal and weak reactivity for anti-PAX-2 was observed in three. Immunohistochemistry was negative for cytokeratin 34 beta 12, c-KIT (CD117), S-100, chromogranine A and apoprotein A surfactant. The results obtained indicated that primary renal cell carcinoma are uncommon in cattle in southern Brazil with an average of cases of 1.3 cases per 1,000 necropsies and that anti-CD10 is a useful marker in the diagnosis of primary renal cell carcinoma in cattle.
机译:Lucena R. B.,Carmo P. M. S.,Oliveira-Filho J.C.,Pierezan F.,Tessele B.,Giaretta P. R.,Kommers G.D.和Barros C. S. L.2011。[牛的肾脏细胞癌。]鼻腔癌。 Pesquisa Veterinaria Brasileira 31(6):487-494。圣玛丽亚大学联邦大学帕托洛贾分校,卡莫比,圣玛丽亚,RS 97105-900,巴西。电子邮件:claudioslbarros@uol.com.br在对45年来(1964年至2008年)进行的6706例牛尸体剖检中发现的586个肿瘤的研究中,观察到9例肾细胞癌。其中,六头牛由于与肿瘤有关的并发症而死亡,三头牛的肿瘤是偶然发现的。受到肾细胞癌影响的牛所表现出的临床体征为体重减轻(5例),腹部可触及的肿块(4例),呼吸窘迫(4例),咳嗽(4例),部分(3例)或完全(2例)厌食,腹痛(2例)和发烧(1例)。观察到的临床体征与所有9例中均存在的由转移引起的并发症有关。在腹部淋巴结,腹膜,肝和肺中观察到转移。两只牛患有双侧肾肿瘤。在显微镜下,观察到管状,固体,以及混合的固体和微管乳头状图案。嗜酸性细胞型为主,透明细胞基本上仅形成一个实体瘤。肝硬化反应从轻度到明显。淀粉科是一个常见的发现。在免疫组织化学中,所有测试的肿瘤均对角蛋白AE1 / AE3和CD10表现出不同程度的阳性反应。 CD10在透明细胞肾癌中呈强阳性,而在其他肿瘤类型中则较弱。在三个人中观察到了针对抗PAX-2的局灶性和弱反应性。免疫组织化学对细胞角蛋白34 beta 12,c-KIT(CD117),S-100,嗜铬粒蛋白A和载脂蛋白A表面活性剂阴性。获得的结果表明,在巴西南部的牛中,原发性肾细胞癌并不常见,平均每千例尸检中有1.3例,抗CD10是诊断牛原发性肾细胞癌的有用标志物。



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