首页> 外文期刊>Vision Research: An International Journal in Visual Science >Polarizational colours could help polarization-dependent colour vision systems to discriminate between shiny and matt surfaces, but cannot unambiguously code surface orientation.

Polarizational colours could help polarization-dependent colour vision systems to discriminate between shiny and matt surfaces, but cannot unambiguously code surface orientation.


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It was hypothesized that egg-laying Papilio butterflies could use polarizational colours as a cue to detect leaf orientation and to discriminate between shiny and matt leaves. These hypotheses would be supported if the following general questions were answered positively: (1) Can surface orientation be unambiguously coded by the polarizational colours perceived by polarization-sensitive colour vision systems? (2) Are the changes in the polarizational colours due to retinal rotation significantly different between shiny and matt surfaces? Using video polarimetry, we measured the reflection-polarizational characteristics of a shiny green hemisphere in the red, green and blue spectral ranges for different solar elevations and directions of view with respect to the solar azimuth as well as for sunlit and shady circumstances under clear skies. The continuously curving hemisphere models numerous differently oriented surfaces. Using the polarization- and colour-sensitive retina model developed earlier, we computed the polarizational colours of the hemisphere, and investigated the correlation between colours and local surface orientation. We also calculated the maximal changes of the polarizational colours of shiny and matt hemispheres induced by rotation of the retina. We found that a surface with any orientation can possess almost any polarizational colour under any illumination condition. Consequently, polarizational colours cannot unambiguously code surface orientation. Polarization sensitivity is even disadvantageous for the detection of surface orientation by means of colours. On the other hand, the colour changes due to retinal rotation can be significantly larger for shiny surfaces than for matt ones. Thus, polarizational colours could help discrimination between shiny and matt surfaces. The physical and perceptional reasons for these findings are explained in detail. Our results and conclusions are of general importance for polarization-dependent colour vision systems.
机译:据推测,产卵的凤蝶蝴蝶可以使用两极分化的颜色作为提示,以检测叶子的方向并区分发亮的叶子和无光泽的叶子。如果以下一般性问题得到了肯定的回答,这些假设将得到支持:(1)可以通过偏振敏感色觉系统感知到的偏振色对表面取向进行明确编码吗? (2)在有光泽和无光泽的表面之间,由于视网膜旋转引起的偏光颜色变化是否显着不同?使用视频极化仪,我们测量了红色,绿色和蓝色光谱范围内闪闪发亮的绿色半球在不同太阳高度和视线方向(相对于太阳方位角)以及晴天和阴暗情况下的反射偏振特性。 。连续弯曲的半球模拟了许多不同方向的表面。使用先前开发的偏振和颜色敏感的视网膜模型,我们计算了半球的偏振颜色,并研究了颜色与局部表面方向之间的相关性。我们还计算了由视网膜旋转引起的发亮和无光泽半球极化颜色的最大变化。我们发现,在任何照明条件下,具有任何方向的表面几乎都可以具有任何偏振色。因此,偏振色不能明确地编码表面取向。偏振灵敏度对于通过颜色检测表面取向甚至是不利的。另一方面,有光泽的表面比无光泽的表面因视网膜旋转而产生的颜色变化要大得多。因此,偏振色可以帮助区分光泽和无光泽的表面。详细解释了这些发现的物理和感觉原因。我们的结果和结论对于偏振相关的彩色视觉系统具有普遍意义。



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