首页> 外文期刊>Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington >Procambarus (Ortmannicus} hidalgoensis (Crustacea: Decapoda: Cambaridae), a new species of crayfish from Mexico

Procambarus (Ortmannicus} hidalgoensis (Crustacea: Decapoda: Cambaridae), a new species of crayfish from Mexico

机译:Procambarus(Ortmannicus} hidalgoensis(甲壳纲:十足目:Cambaridae),一种来自墨西哥的小龙虾

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A new species of crayfish from Camino a Olotla, Tlanchinol County, Hidalgo, Mexico, is described. Procambarus (Ortmannicus) hidalgoensis is most closely related to P. (O.) cuevachicae (Hobbs, 1941) and P. (0.) toltecae Hobbs, 1943, from which it can be distinguished by having a gonopod with a mesial process slightly flattened distally and directed caudo-distally; a cephalic process slightly larger than the rest of the terminal elements, originating on the caudal surface; and a plate-like caudal process, exhibiting a strongly folded external part of the pleopod. The annulus ventralis in the new species is rhomboidal, with two strong crests, forming a deep V-shaped depression anteriorly, ending in a sinus in the middle region.
机译:描述了一种新的小龙虾物种,它来自墨西哥伊达尔戈Tlanchinol县的Camino a Olotla。 Hidalgoensis的Procambarus(Ortmannicus)与P.(O.)cuevachicae(Hobbs,1941)和P.(0.)toltecae Hobbs,1943的亲缘关系最近,其特征在于其斜足动物的近亲过程略微扁平朝远方并朝远方定向;头尾突,比尾端的其余部分稍大;以及板状的尾突,表现出腹足的强烈折叠。新物种的腹环是菱形的,具有两个强的峰,在前面形成一个深的V形凹陷,在中间区域以窦为终点。



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