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Launching to new heights: A talk with Kim Spelts

机译:发射到新的高度:与Kim Spelts的谈话

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It doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand the importance of properly managing pain in veterinary patients. But it doesn't hurt that Kim Spelts, BS, CVT, VTS (Anesthesia), CCMT, CCRP, actually is one. In 1996, Kim gave up a career in aerospace engineering — working with NASA on the Galileo spacecraft — to return to her home state of Colorado. There, she pursued her childhood passion of caring for animals by enrolling in a veterinary technology program and later earning a veterinary technicianspecialization in anesthesia. In veterinary medicine, Kim found immediate intellectual stimulation and emotional satisfaction that continue to motivate her today. "Being challenged intellectually is fun for me," says Kim, "and I think if you're doing what you love to do, you can always find a way to challenge yourself."
机译:不需要火箭科学家来了解正确管理兽医患者疼痛的重要性。但是,Kim Spelts,BS,CVT,VTS(麻醉),CCMT,CCRP实际上是其中一员并没有什么害处。 1996年,金恩(Kim)放弃了在航空工程领域的职业-与美国宇航局(NASA)合作开发了伽利略(Galileo)航天器-回到她的家乡科罗拉多州。在那儿,她通过参加兽医技术计划并后来获得了麻醉方面的兽医技术员的专业知识,追求了童年时对动物的关怀。在兽医学上,金女士立即获得了智力上的刺激和情感上的满足,这继续激励着她。金说:“在智力上受到挑战对我来说很有趣,而且我认为,如果您正在做自己喜欢做的​​事,总会找到一种挑战自我的方法。”



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