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Comparison between computed tomography and 99 mTc-pertechnetate scintigraphy characteristics of the thyroid gland in cats with hyperthyroidism.


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Scintigraphy is currently the reference standard for diagnosing feline hyperthyroidism; however, computed tomography (CT) is more widely available in veterinary practice. The purposes of this prospective study were to describe the CT appearance of thyroid glands in cats with hyperthyroidism and compare CT findings with findings from 99 mTc-pertechnetate scintigraphy. Twenty-five adult hyperthyroid cats were included. Plain CT images were acquired for each cat and the following characteristics recorded for each thyroid lobe: visibility, delineation, position, attenuation, shape, and subjective size. Scintigraphic images were also acquired and the following characteristics recorded: radiopharmaceutical uptake, delineation, ectopic foci, shape, and subjective size. In CT images, thyroid lobes were most commonly found between the second and fourth cervical vertebrae, dorsolateral to the trachea. Affected thyroid lobes (based on scintigraphy reference standard) were most commonly oval and moderately enlarged in CT images. A heterogeneous attenuation pattern (isoattenuating to adjacent soft tissues with hypo- and hyperattenuating foci) was most commonly found in affected thyroid lobes. A positive correlation (P<0.01) was identified between CT and scintigraphy for left-to-right thyroid lobe size relationship and subjective size of the larger thyroid lobe. The CT estimated mass was significantly higher (median=148.8; range=[0;357.6]) for the more active thyroid lobe compared to the less active thyroid lobe (median=84.6; range=[0;312.3]); (W=154; P<0.01). Findings indicated that CT may not reliably differentiate unilateral vs. bilateral hyperthyroidism in cats; however, CT may be a reliable alternative test for correctly identifying the more active thyroid lobe.
机译:闪烁照相术目前是诊断猫甲状腺功能亢进症的参考标准。但是,计算机断层扫描(CT)在兽医实践中更为广泛。这项前瞻性研究的目的是描述患有甲状腺功能亢进症的猫的甲状腺CT表现,并将CT表现与 99 m Tc-高tech闪烁显像仪的发现进行比较。包括二十五只成年甲亢猫。为每只猫采集普通的CT图像,并为每个甲状腺叶记录以下特征:可见度,轮廓,位置,衰减,形状和主观大小。还获取了闪烁图像并记录了以下特征:放射性药物摄取,轮廓,异位灶,形状和主观大小。在CT图像中,甲状腺叶最常见于气管背侧的第二和第四颈椎之间。受影响的甲状腺叶(根据闪烁显像参考标准)在CT图像中最常见为椭圆形并适度扩大。在受影响的甲状腺叶中最常见的是异质性衰减模式(以低衰减和高衰减病灶等距衰减到相邻的软组织)。 CT显像与X线显像在甲状腺左右叶大小关系与较大甲状腺叶主观大小之间呈正相关(P <0.01)。与活动性较弱的甲状腺叶相比,活动性较弱的甲状腺叶的CT估计质量明显更高(中位数= 148.8;范围= [0; 357.6])(中位数= 84.6;范围= [0; 312.3])。 (W = 154; P <0.01)。结果表明,CT可能无法可靠地区分猫的单侧和双侧甲亢。但是,CT可能是正确识别活动性更强的甲状腺叶的可靠替代测试。



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