首页> 外文期刊>Veterinary Pathology >Diagnostic Exercise: High Mortality in a Flock of Chukar Partridge Chicks (Alectoris chukar) in California

Diagnostic Exercise: High Mortality in a Flock of Chukar Partridge Chicks (Alectoris chukar) in California

机译:诊断性运动:加利福尼亚丘卡Part雏鸡(Alectoris chukar)群中的高死亡率

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Mortality of 20% of a flock of 1000 chukar partridge chicks occurred over a 6-week period in Northern California from August to September 2012. Affected birds were 2 to 42 days old and died without premonitory clinical signs or after showing ruffled feathers and anorexia for 24 to 72 hours. Three carcasses were submitted for necropsy, 2 birds had hemorrhagic tracheitis grossly, and all 3 had lymphoplasmacytic and histiocytic myocarditis with myocardial necrosis microscopically. The differential diagnoses and the diagnostic workup to achieve a final diagnosis are discussed. The detection of 2 zoonotic agents in these birds makes this an interesting case from a public health perspective.
机译:2012年8月至2012年9月,在北加利福尼亚州的6周内,每1000只chukar ridge雏鸡中有20%的死亡率。受影响的鸟为2至42天大,死于无先兆临床症状或显示出羽毛褶皱和食欲不振。 24至72小时。尸检3例,尸体2例严重出血性气管炎,3例均发生淋巴浆细胞性和组织细胞性心肌炎,镜下可见心肌坏死。讨论了鉴别诊断和完成最终诊断的诊断工作。从公共卫生的角度来看,在这些鸟类中检测到2种人畜共患病原体使其成为一个有趣的案例。



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