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Suitability of SDA products to meet the sulphur demand of agricultural crops


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Targeted sulphur containing fertilization to meet the requirements of agricultural crops is necessary since the desulphurization of industrial emissions has resulted in a continually decreasing sulphur deposition. This is the reason why the market for sulphur containing fertilizers is growing. Desulphurization products from the Spray Dry Absorption (SDA) contain calcium sulphite and calcium sulphate at a ratio of about 8:1. Mostly depending on their fly ash contents, their heavy metalconcentrations are differing. Their use as sulphur fertilizer would extend their re-utilization possibilities. VGB are financing a research project dealing with the suitability of SDA products to cover the sulphur needs of agricultural crops. Inthree-year field studies the sulphur fertilcisation with SDA products with varying fly ash contents has been investigated. The present paper is an agricultural, ecologic and economic assessment of the results obtained.
机译:必须进行有针对性的含硫施肥以满足农作物的需求,因为工业废气的脱硫已导致硫的沉积不断减少。这就是含硫肥料市场不断增长的原因。喷雾干燥吸收(SDA)的脱硫产品含有约8:1的亚硫酸钙和硫酸钙。主要取决于它们的粉煤灰含量,它们的重金属浓度是不同的。将其用作硫磺肥料将扩大其再利用的可能性。 VGB正在资助一个研究项目,该研究涉及SDA产品的适用性,以满足农业作物的硫需求。为期三年的田间研究已经研究了使用具有不同粉煤灰含量的SDA产品进行的硫肥施肥。本文是对农业,生态和经济评估结果的评估。



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