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The effects of amount, timing and distribution of simulated rainfall on the development of Haemonchus contortus to the infective larval stage


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Three studies were undertaken to determine the effects of amount, timing and distribution of simulated rainfall on the developmental success of Haemonchus contortus. Faeces containing H. contortus eggs were deposited onto pasture plots under a rainfall-activated retractable roof which eliminated incident rainfall. In October (spring) 2004 and January (summer) 2005, the effects of amount (6, 12, 18 or 24 mm) and timing (1, 4, 8 or 15 days post-faecal deposition) of a single simulated rainfall event was investigated via manual application of water to plots. More H. contortus pre-infective larvae (L1 and L2) developed under the d 1 simulated rainfall treatment than later treatments. There was no effect of rainfall amount on development in either experiment, and negligible development to infective larvae (L3). In February (summer) 2006, the effects of amount (12, 24 or 32 mm) and distribution (single event or three smaller but equal split events over 32 h) of simulated rainfall events was investigated with water applied via sprinkler. In this experiment L3 were recovered from the herbage in one-third of the plots harvested, however recovery was low (0.08% of eggs deposited) and there were no treatment effects. Recovery of L1 and L2 from faeces increased with simulated rainfall amount at d 4, and more L1 and L2 were recovered from the split distribution treatment at d 4. The results indicate that moisture conditions soon after faecal deposition are key determinants of H. contortus development success, with significant penalties on development when simulated rainfall was applied 7 days or more post-deposition, and when the duration of simulated rainfall was short. High rates of evaporation during both summer experiments resulted in rapid drying of the micro-environment and this appears to have limited development to L3.
机译:进行了三项研究,以确定模拟降雨的数量,时间和分布对捻转血矛线虫发育成功的影响。含有捻转血丝虫卵的粪便被放置在降雨激活的可伸缩屋顶下的牧场上,该屋顶消除了降雨。在2004年10月(春季)和2005年1月(夏季),单个模拟降雨事件的数量(粪便沉积后6、12、18或24毫米)和时间安排(粪便沉积后1、4、8或15天)的影响是通过手动向地块上加水进行调查。在d 1模拟降雨处理下,更多的Contortus感染前幼虫(L1和L2)比以后的处理更发达。在两个实验中,降雨量对发育均无影响,而对感染性幼虫(L3)的发育可忽略不计。在2006年2月(夏季),通过洒水洒水研究了模拟降雨事件的数量(12、24或32 mm)和分布(32小时内发生单个事件或三个较小但均等的分裂事件)的影响。在该实验中,L3是在收获的三分之一地块中从牧草中回收的,但是回收率很低(占产卵量的0.08%),并且没有处理效果。在第4天,随着模拟降雨量的增加,粪便中L1和L2的回收量增加,在第4天,从分流处理中回收了更多的L1和L2。结果表明,粪便沉积后不久的水分状况是扭曲旋毛虫发育的关键因素。如果在沉积后7天或更长时间使用模拟降雨,并且模拟降雨的持续时间较短,则会对开发造成重大损失。在两个夏季实验中,高蒸发率导致微环境快速干燥,这似乎限制了L3的发展。



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