首页> 外文期刊>Veterinary Parasitology >Occurrence of nematodes and anthelmintic management of ostrich farms from different Brazilian states: Libyostrongylus douglassii dominates mixed infections

Occurrence of nematodes and anthelmintic management of ostrich farms from different Brazilian states: Libyostrongylus douglassii dominates mixed infections

机译:来自巴西不同州的线虫的发生和鸵鸟养殖场的驱虫处理:混合玻璃线虫(Libyostrongylus douglassii)主导混合感染

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Ostriches were imported to Brazil in the early 1990s without appropriate parasite control leading to a co-importation of parasites. Libyostrongylus douglassii, Libyostrongylus dentatus and Codiostomum struthionis are nematodes of the ostriches that have been reported on some Brazilian farms but no national survey has been performed. Moreover, little is known about anthelmintic usage to control these parasites in Brazil. Therefore, the occurrence of L. douglassii, L. dentatus and C. struthionis and the anthelmintic management practices in Brazilian ostrich farms were studied. A questionnaire about management practices and information on how to collect, store and ship feces to the laboratory were sent to 17 farms located in 9 Brazilian states. Received fecal samples were submitted to fecal cultivation and larval harvested. Infective larvae were morphologically analyzed and quantified. The majority of the farms (88%) used an anthelmintic at least once a year. Ivermectin was the principal anthelmintic. Libyostrongylus sp. and C. struthionis were found in samples from 76 and 18% of the examined farms, respectively. The presence of L. douglassii (61-97%) was higher than L. dentatus (3-57%) and C. struthionis (2-30%). At the farm level, both species of Libyostrongylus were always found together. Sheath tail measurements of their infective larvae were crucial for morphological diagnosis. L. dentatus and L. douglassii are well adapted to Brazil and are widely distributed in the Brazilian territory, proving that this mixed infection in Brazilian ostrich's farms is common
机译:鸵鸟在1990年代初被进口到巴西,没有适当的寄生虫控制,导致了寄生虫的共同进口。在巴西的一些养殖场中已经报道过鸵鸟线虫,牙龈线虫和Striosionum线虫是鸵鸟的线虫,但尚未进行全国性调查。此外,在巴西,关于使用驱虫剂控制这些寄生虫的知之甚少。因此,研究了巴西鸵鸟养殖场中L. douglassii,L。dentatus和C. struthionis的发生以及驱虫管理方法。向巴西9个州的17个农场发送了有关管理实践的问卷以及有关如何收集,存储和运送粪便到实验室的信息。收到的粪便样本进行粪便培养并收获幼虫。对感染性幼虫进行形态学分析和定量。大多数农场(88%)每年至少使用一次驱虫药。伊维菌素是主要的驱虫药。利比亚豆在检测的农场中分别有76%和18%的样本中发现了C.和C. struthionis。道格拉斯氏乳杆菌(61-97%)的存在高于牙本质乳杆菌(3-57%)和穿刺梭状芽胞杆菌(2-30%)。在农场一级,两种利比亚strongylus总是一起发现的。对其感染幼虫进行鞘尾测量对于形态学诊断至关重要。 L. dentatus和L. douglassii非常适合巴西,并在巴西境内广泛分布,证明在巴西鸵鸟养殖场这种混合感染很常见



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