首页> 外文期刊>Veterinary Parasitology >First clinical case of cutaneous leishmaniasis due to Leishmania (Viannia) braziliensis in a domestic cat from French Guiana

First clinical case of cutaneous leishmaniasis due to Leishmania (Viannia) braziliensis in a domestic cat from French Guiana


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We report the first case of natural infection of a domestic female cat (Fells catus) by Leishmania (Viannia) braziliensis in French Guiana. The infected animal had a cutaneous ulcer on the nose and nodules of different sizes in the ears. The diagnosis was confirmed by molecular analysis of cutaneous samples that detected the presence of Leishmania parasites and allowed identifying the Leishmania (Viannia) braziliensis species. The discovery of a cat infected by L (V.) braziliensis suggests the possibility that cats could be potential secondary reservoirs of Leishmania parasites in French Guiana. Thus, it would be important to investigate the possible epidemiological role of domestic cats in domestic foci of Leishmania in this region
机译:我们报告了由法属圭亚那的利什曼原虫(Viannia)braziliensis造成的家猫(Fells catus)家猫自然感染的第一例。被感染的动物的鼻子有皮肤溃疡,耳朵有大小不等的结节。通过对皮肤样本进行分子分析,证实了该诊断,该样本检测了利什曼原虫的寄生虫并允许鉴定巴西利什曼原虫(Viannia)。发现一只受巴西L.V.感染的猫,这表明猫可能是法属圭亚那的利什曼原虫寄生虫的潜在二级宿主。因此,重要的是要调查该地区利什曼原虫家猫中家猫的可能流行病学作用



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