首页> 外文期刊>Veterinary Microbiology >Tuberculosis in cattle herds are sentinels for Mycobacterium bovis infection in European badgers (Meles meles): The Irish Greenfield Study

Tuberculosis in cattle herds are sentinels for Mycobacterium bovis infection in European badgers (Meles meles): The Irish Greenfield Study

机译:牛群中的结核病是欧洲badge(Meles meles)中牛分枝杆菌感染的前哨:爱尔兰格林菲尔德研究

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In Ireland badgers are removed in response to tuberculosis (TB) breakdowns in cattle herds (focal culling). Prevalence studies, conducted using a detailed post mortem and bacteriological examination, showed that 36-50% of badgers were infected with Mycobacterium bovis. Focal culling forms part of the medium term national strategy for the control of bovine TB in cattle and is based on the premise that badgers in areas with herd breakdowns have a higher prevalence of infection than the badger population at large. However, the hypothesis that cattle can be used as sentinels for infection in the badger population has never been formally tested. In this study we tested the hypothesis by determining the infection prevalence in badgers in areas where there had been historically, a consistently low prevalence of infection in cattle. Low cattle TB prevalence areas were defined as those herds with <= 2 standard reactors in the annual round of skin testing over the preceding 5 years (Greenfield sites). Using GIS, and adjusting for variation in land use, previous culling and cattle density, 198 Greenfield sites were identified and surveyed, and 138 areas with badger setts or signs of badger activity were identified. A single badger was removed from 87 sites and all were examined using detailed post mortem and bacteriological procedures. A prevalence of M. bovis infection of 14.9% was found in the Greenfield site badgers. This prevalence was significantly lower (P < 0.001) than in badgers removed during focal culling (36.6%). The results validate the use of cattle as sentinels for TB in badgers and support the medium term national strategy for the control of bovine TB. The geographic variation in M. bovis infection prevalence in the Irish badger populations will be used when devising strategies for the incorporation of badger vaccination into the long term bovine TB control programme
机译:在爱尔兰,由于牛群中的结核病(TB)分解(局部淘汰),因此去除了。使用详细的验尸和细菌学检查进行的患病率研究表明,36的36-50%被牛分枝杆菌感染。集中扑灭是控制牛的牛结核病的国家中期战略的一部分,其前提是,在成群分解的地区,rs的感染率要比普通the更高。但是,关于牛可以用作the种群感染的前哨的假设从未得到正式检验。在这项研究中,我们通过确定历史上牛cattle感染率持续较低的地区badge的感染率来检验该假设。牛结核病低发地区被定义为在过去5年中(格林菲尔德地区)在年度皮肤试验中具有≤2个标准反应堆的牛群。利用地理信息系统,并根据土地用途,先前的宰杀和牲畜密度的变化进行调整,确定并调查了198个绿地,并确定了138个有badge定居点或of活动迹象的区域。从87个部位中取出一个badge,并使用详细的验尸和细菌学程序进行检查。在格林菲尔德遗址badge中发现了牛分枝杆菌感染的患病率为14.9%。该患病率明显低于(P <0.001)局部剔除过程中去除的rs(36.6%)。结果证实了将牛用作badge中结核病的定点,并支持控制牛结核病的国家中期战略。在制定将of疫苗接种纳入长期牛结核病控制计划的策略时,将使用爱尔兰badge种群中牛分枝杆菌感染率的地理差异



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