首页> 外文期刊>Vector borne and zoonotic diseases >Serologic evidence for Borrelia hermsii Infection in rodents on federally owned recreational areas in California

Serologic evidence for Borrelia hermsii Infection in rodents on federally owned recreational areas in California


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Tick-borne relapsing fever (TBRF) is endemic in mountainous regions of the western United States. In California, the principal agent is the spirochete Borrelia hermsii, which is transmitted by the argasid tick Ornithodoros hermsi. Humans are at risk of TBRF when infected ticks leave an abandoned rodent nest in quest of a blood meal. Rodents are the primary vertebrate hosts for B. hermsii. Sciurid rodents were collected from 23 sites in California between August, 2006, and September, 2008, and tested for serum antibodies to B. hermsii by immunoblot using a whole-cell sonicate and a specific antigen, glycerophosphodiester phosphodiesterase (GlpQ). Antibodies were detected in 20% of rodents; seroprevalence was highest (36%) in chipmunks (Tamias spp). Seroprevalence in chipmunks was highest in the Sierra Nevada (41%) and Mono (43%) ecoregions and between 1900 and 2300 meters elevation (43%). The serological studies described here are effective in implicating the primary vertebrate hosts involved in the maintenance of the ticks and spirochetes in regions endemic for TBRF.
机译:ick传传播热(TBRF)在美国西部山区很流行。在加利福尼亚州,主要代理商是螺旋体伯氏疏螺旋体,它是由荒种tickOrnithodoros hermsi传播的。当受感染的虱子为了觅食而离开一个废弃的啮齿动物巢时,人类就有患TBRF的危险。啮齿动物是黑麦芽孢杆菌的主要脊椎动物寄主。在2006年8月至2008年9月之间,从加利福尼亚的23个地点收集了Sciurid啮齿动物,并使用全细胞超声和特定抗原甘油二磷酸二酯磷酸二酯酶(GlpQ)通过免疫印迹测试了针对B. hermsii的血清抗体。在20%的啮齿动物中检测到抗体;花栗鼠(Tamias spp)的血清阳性率最高(36%)。内华达山脉(41%)和莫诺(43%)生态区的花栗鼠血清阳性率最高,海拔1900至2300米之间(43%)。此处描述的血清学研究可有效地牵涉参与TBRF流行地区the和螺旋体维持的主要脊椎动物宿主。



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