首页> 外文期刊>Transplantation: Official Journal of the Transplantation Society >Sequential isologous organ transplantation in inbred rats: pancreaticoduodenal transplants.

Sequential isologous organ transplantation in inbred rats: pancreaticoduodenal transplants.


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A total of 847 inbred Lewis rats of mixed sex were used in this pancreaticoduodenal (Pd) donor aging study. Pd grafts were taken from 9- to 12-month-old donors and transplanted into 3-month-old recipients (thus, the first generation Pd graft, or 1 Pd). After 9 to 12 months, the same Pd grafts were again harvested and transplanted into 3-month-old rats (thus the 2 Pd generation). This cycle was repeated to obtain the 3, 4, and 5 Pd series. Sequential transplantation was able to extend the Pd grafts' mean survival time to 32 months for fourteen 4 Pd grafts, and to 39.2 months for four 5 Pd grafts (the longest lived graft survived for 42 months). The pancreas and duodenal sections of the grafts remained normal throughout the entire study. However, the aortic sections of the grafts (which were harvested to include the superior mesenteric and celiac arteries) all exhibited moderate to massive atherosclerotic changes by the 5 Pd mean survival age of 39.2 months. Such histological changes commenced even before 21 months of Pd graft age in some animals, gradually progressing to dilation of the aorta (and subsequent narrowing of aortic tributaries), as well as formation of an eggshell-like inner membrane shielding the aortic intima, by 42 months. Such atherosclerotic changes precluded transplantations beyond the 5 Pd series.
机译:在该胰十二指肠(Pd)供体衰老研究中,总共使用了847只混合性近交Lewis大鼠。 Pd移植物取自9个月至12个月大的供体,并移植到3个月大的受体中(因此,是第一代Pd移植物或1 Pd)。 9至12个月后,再次收获相同的Pd移植物,并将其移植到3个月大的大鼠中(因此生成2 Pd)。重复该循环以获得3、4和5Pd系列。顺序移植能够将Pd移植物的平均存活时间延长至14个4 Pd移植物的32个月,以及4个5 Pd移植物的39.2个月(寿命最长的移植物存活42个月)。在整个研究过程中,移植物的胰腺和十二指肠切片均保持正常。然而,移植物的主动脉部分(被收获包括肠系膜和腹腔上动脉)在5 Pd的平均生存年龄为39.2个月时均显示出中度到大规模的动脉粥样硬化改变。这种组织学改变甚至在某些动物的Pd移植年龄21个月之前就开始了,并逐渐发展为主动脉扩张(随后主动脉支流变窄),以及形成了蛋壳状内膜来屏蔽主动脉内膜,直到42岁。几个月。这种动脉粥样硬化的变化使5 Pd系列以上的移植无法进行。



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