首页> 外文期刊>Transplantation: Official Journal of the Transplantation Society >Persistence of anomalies in the growth hormone-releasing hormone-stimulated growth hormone response in diabetic-uremic patients after combined kidney-pancreas transplantation.

Persistence of anomalies in the growth hormone-releasing hormone-stimulated growth hormone response in diabetic-uremic patients after combined kidney-pancreas transplantation.


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Increased circulating growth hormone (GH) levels and aberrant response to different stimuli characterize both type 1 diabetes mellitus and chronic uremia and are associated with severe retinal, kidney and heart complications. Combined kidney and pancreas transplantation is a therapy that restores the endogenous, closed-loop, insulin secretion in diabetes and cure uremia. To evaluate if combined transplantation can restore a normal secretion and response of GH to growth hormone releasing hormone (GH-RH), we studied four groups of subjects: (1) seven type 1 diabetic patients with end-stage renal failure who had received pancreas and kidney transplantation (KPTx); (2) six diabetic uremic subjects, candidates for combined transplantation (IDDUP); (3) nine patients with chronic uveitis on immunosuppressive therapy comparable to pancreas recipients, six of whom treated only with prednisone (UVEST), while three (4) were treated with both prednisone and cyclosporin (UVESTCY). All subjects underwent a GH-RH test (50 microg intravenously, i.v., at 13:00 h). Serum insulin levels were significantly higher in IDDUP compared to UVEST (P=0.05) both at baseline and post GH-RH stimulus, while were similar to KPTx (P=0.2) and UVESTCY (P=0.7). In contrast, plasma free fatty acids were similar in all groups. In IDDUP baseline plasma glycerol was higher than in KPTx (P=0.04) and UVEST (P=0.02) and similar to UVESTCY (P=0.36); glycerol concentration did not change after GH-RH (P=0.08). Before and after GH-RH, serum GH levels tended to be higher in IDDUP (P=0.5) and KPTx (P=0.2) compared to UVEST and UVESTCY. Our results indicate that: 1) kidney-pancreas transplantation does not normalize the GH response to GH-RH; 2) GH abnormalities are not due either to the chronic immunosuppressive therapy or to the insulin effect on GH release; 3) GH abnormalities are probably secondary to functional and/or organic complications of the hypothalamus and/or pituitary as a sequela of diabetes mellitus.
机译:循环生长激素(GH)水平升高和对不同刺激的异常反应是1型糖尿病和慢性尿毒症的特征,并且与严重的视网膜,肾脏和心脏并发症相关。肾脏和胰腺联合移植是恢复糖尿病中内源性,闭环胰岛素分泌和治愈尿毒症的疗法。为了评估联合移植能否恢复正常的分泌和生长激素对生长激素释放激素(GH-RH)的反应,我们研究了四组受试者:(1)七名患有胰腺终末肾功能衰竭的1型糖尿病患者并接受了胰腺和肾脏移植(KPTx); (2)6名糖尿病性尿毒症患者,联合移植的候选人(IDDUP); (3)9例接受免疫抑制治疗的慢性葡萄膜炎患者可与胰腺接受者媲美,其中6例仅用泼尼松(UVEST)治疗,而三(4)例同时用泼尼松和环孢素(UVESTCY)治疗。所有受试者均接受GH-RH测试(静脉内50μg,在13:00h静脉内注射)。在基线和GH-RH刺激后,IDDUP的血清胰岛素水平均明显高于UVEST(P = 0.05),而与KPTx(P = 0.2)和UVESTCY(P = 0.7)相似。相反,所有组的血浆游离脂肪酸相似。在IDDUP中,基线血浆甘油含量高于KPTx(P = 0.04)和UVEST(P = 0.02),与UVESTCY相似(P = 0.36)。 GH-RH后甘油浓度未改变(P = 0.08)。与UVEST和UVESTCY相比,GH-RH之前和之后,IDDUP(P = 0.5)和KPTx(P = 0.2)的血清GH水平趋于升高。我们的结果表明:1)肾胰腺移植不能使GH对GH-RH的反应正常化; 2)GH异常既不是由于慢性免疫抑制疗法,也不是由于胰岛素对GH释放的影响; 3)GH异常可能是下丘脑和/或垂体的功能性和/或器质性并发症继发于糖尿病的后遗症。



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