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Family planning in Guinea: A need for better public commitment


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Objective: To describe the evolution of family planning (FP) in Guinea and to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the current FP programme. Methods: Descriptive study of the evolution of FP in Guinea between 1992 and 2010. First, national laws as well as health policies and strategic plans related to reproductive health and family planning were reviewed. Second, FP indicators were extracted from the Guinean Demographic and Health Surveys (1992, 1999 and 2005). Third, FP services, sources of supply and data on FP funding were analysed. Results: Laws, policies and strategic plans in Guinea are supportive of FP programme and services. Public and private actors are not sufficiently coordinated. The general government expenditure on health has remained stable at 6-7% between 2005 and 2011 despite a doubling of total expenditures on health, and contraceptives are supplied by foreign aid. Modern contraceptive prevalence slightly increased from 1.5% in 1992 to 6.8% in 2005 among women aged 15-49. Conclusion: A stronger national engagement in favour of repositioning FP should result in improved government funding of the FP programme and the promotion of long-acting and permanent methods.
机译:目的:描述几内亚计划生育的发展,并确定当前计划生育计划的优势,劣势,机会和威胁。方法:对1992年至2010年几内亚FP演变的描述性研究。首先,回顾了有关生殖健康和计划生育的国家法律以及健康政策和战略计划。其次,从几内亚人口和健康调查(1992、1999和2005)中提取了计划生育指标。第三,对计划生育服务,供应来源和计划生育资金数据进行了分析。结果:几内亚的法律,政策和战略计划为计划生育计划和服务提供了支持。公共和私人行为者之间的协调不足。尽管卫生总支出增加了一倍,但政府的卫生总支出在2005年至2011年间保持在6-7%不变,并且避孕药具是由外国援助提供的。 15-49岁女性的现代避孕普及率从1992年的1.5%略增至2005年的6.8%。结论:加强国家对计划生育的支持,应导致政府对计划生育计划的资助增加,并促进长效和永久性方法的推广。



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