首页> 外文期刊>Tropical Medicine and International Health: TM and IH >Determinants of uptake, short-term and continued use of insecticide-treated curtains and jar covers for dengue control.

Determinants of uptake, short-term and continued use of insecticide-treated curtains and jar covers for dengue control.


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Objective To evaluate the acceptance and long-term use of insecticide-treated (IT) materials for dengue vector control. Methods In 2007, IT jar covers and/or curtains (PermaNet(R)) were distributed under routine conditions to 4101 households (10 clusters) in Venezuela and to 2032 households (22 clusters) in Thailand. The use of IT tools was measured at distribution (uptake), at 5/6 months (short-term use) and at 18/22 months (continued use) after distribution. Determinants of use were assessed with logistic regression analysis. Results The uptake of IT curtains was 76.7% in Venezuela and 92.3% in Thailand. It was associated with being a resident for >5 years (OR Venezuela 3.0 95% CI 2.0-4.4; OR Thailand 3.5 95% CI 1.7-7.3) and with pre-intervention use of ordinary curtains (OR Venezuela 2.2 95% CI 1.4-3.6). The continued use decreased significantly to 38.4% of households in Venezuela and 59.7% in Thailand and was, conditional on short-term use, only determined by the perceived effectiveness of IT curtains (OR Venezuela 13.0 95%CI 8.7-19.5; OR Thailand 4.9 95% CI 3.1-7.8). Disease knowledge and pre-intervention perception of mosquito nuisance were not associated with IT curtains' uptake or use. The uptake of IT jar covers in Venezuela was 21.5% and essentially determined by the presence of uncovered jars in the household (OR 32.5 95% CI 14.5-72.6). Their continued use, conditional on short-time use, was positively associated with the household use of Abate(R) (OR 7.8 95% CI 2.1-28.9). Conclusion The use of IT curtains rapidly declines over time. Continued use is mainly determined by the perceived effectiveness of the tool. This poses a real challenge if IT curtains are to be introduced in dengue control programmes.
机译:目的评估经杀虫剂处理(IT)的材料在登革热媒介控制中的可接受性和长期使用。方法2007年,IT罐盖和/或窗帘(PermaNet(R))在常规条件下分发给了委内瑞拉的4101户家庭(10个集群)和泰国的2032户家庭(22个集群)。在分发后(分发),5/6个月(短期使用)和18/22个月(持续使用)测量IT工具的使用。使用的决定因素通过逻辑回归分析进行评估。结果委内瑞拉IT窗帘的使用率为76.7%,泰国为92.3%。它与居住超过5年的居民相关(OR委内瑞拉3.0 95%CI 2.0-4.4;泰国3.5 95%CI 1.7-7.3)以及普通窗帘的干预前使用(OR委内瑞拉2.2 95%CI 1.4- 3.6)。委内瑞拉的持续使用率显着下降至38.4%的家庭和泰国的59.7%,并且以短期使用为条件,仅取决于IT窗帘的感知效果(或委内瑞拉13.0 95%CI 8.7-19.5;或泰国4.9 95%CI 3.1-7.8)。疾病知识和干预前的蚊虫滋扰感与IT窗帘的使用或使用无关。委内瑞拉IT罐盖的使用率为21.5%,主要取决于家庭中是否存在未盖罐子(OR 32.5 95%CI 14.5-72.6)。以短期使用为条件的持续使用与Abate(R)的家庭使用呈正相关(OR 7.8 95%CI 2.1-28.9)。结论随着时间的流逝,IT窗帘的使用迅速下降。继续使用主要取决于工具的感知有效性。如果要在登革热控制计划中引入IT帷幕,这将构成真正的挑战。



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