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Modelling of malaria temporal variations in Iran.


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Objective To model the temporal variations in malaria episodes in a hypo-endemic area of Iran and to assess the feasibility of an epidemic early warning system. Methods and Materials Malaria episode data for Kahnooj District, south-east Iran, were collected from the local health system for the period 1994-2002. Plasmodium species-specific models were generated using Poisson regression. Starting with a simple model which included only temporal effects, we iteratively added more explanatory variables to maximize goodness of fit. Results Of 18 268 recorded malaria episodes, more than 67% were due to P. vivax. In addition to seasonality and secular trend, we found that incorporating a 1-month time lag between key meteorological variables and the predicted number of cases maximized goodness of fit. Maximum temperature, mean relative humidity and previous numbers of malaria cases were the most important predictors. These were included in the model with lags of no less than three dekads, i.e. three 10-day periods or effectively 1 month. Conclusion Simple models based on climatic factors and information on past case numbers may be useful in improving the quality of the malaria control programme in Iran, particularly in terms of assuring accurate targeting of interventions in time and space. The models developed in this study are based on explanatory data that incorporate a lag of 1 month (i.e. data that were recorded 21-50 days previously). In practice, this translates into an operational 'window' of 1 month. Provided appropriate modes of data exchange exist between key stakeholders and appropriate systems for operational response are in place, this type of early warning information has the potential to lead to significant reductions in malaria morbidity in Iran.
机译:目的模拟伊朗低流行地区疟疾发作的时间变化,并评估流行性预警系统的可行性。方法和材料伊朗东南部Kahnooj地区的疟疾发作数据是从1994-2002年期间的当地卫生系统收集的。使用泊松回归生成疟原虫物种特异性模型。从仅包含时间影响的简单模型开始,我们反复添加更多的解释变量以最大化拟合优度。结果在记录的18 268次疟疾发作中,超过67%是由间日疟原虫引起的。除了季节性和长期趋势外,我们发现在关键的气象变量和预计的病例数之间纳入1个月的时间差可以最大程度地提高拟合度。最重要的预测指标是最高温度,平均相对湿度和以前的疟疾病例数。这些被包括在模型中,滞后不少于三个十度,即三个十天周期或有效地一个月。结论基于气候因素和过去病例数信息的简单模型可能对提高伊朗疟疾控制计划的质量很有用,特别是在确保准确确定时间和空间干预措施方面。本研究开发的模型基于解释性数据,其中包含了1个月的滞后时间(即,在21至50天之前记录的数据)。实际上,这转化为1个月的运营“窗口”。如果主要利益相关者之间存在适当的数据交换模式,并且已经建立了适当的业务响应系统,则此类预警信息有可能导致伊朗疟疾发病率显着降低。



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