首页> 外文期刊>Tropical Medicine and International Health: TM and IH >Factors determining use of pre-travel preventive health services by West African immigrants in The Netherlands.

Factors determining use of pre-travel preventive health services by West African immigrants in The Netherlands.


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Objective To determine for what reasons West African immigrants, who contribute the largest single group of malaria cases in the Netherlands, visit pre-travel preventive health services and whether use of such services is likely to improve use of preventive measures. Methods Semi-structured interviews with eligible participants recruited through West African churches and societies and at a large festival. Results A total of 70% of the total non-random sample of 292 participants said that they always use pre-travel preventive health services before travelling. Being from Ghana (OR = 2.5), having legal residency status (OR 2.5), visiting friends and relatives rather than going for business or funeral (OR = 6.7), and living in Amsterdam (OR = 5.1) were all independently associated with using pre-travel preventive health services, as were taking general preventive measures (OR = 3.0), and self-reported use of malaria prophylaxis. Higher use of pre-travel preventive health services was not associated with better knowledge of malaria as such. Conclusions West Africans, in particular non-Ghanaians, illegal immigrants and West African immigrants leaving at short notice should be encouraged to use pre-travel preventive health services. Adequate methods to reach these groups need to be developed, including health education on the importance of prevention in general.
机译:目的为了确定在荷兰造成最大疟疾病例的西非移民出于什么原因,访问旅行前的预防保健服务,以及使用此类服务​​是否可能会改善预防措施的使用。方法对通过西非教会和社团以及大型节日招募的合格参与者进行半结构化访谈。结果在292名参与者的全部非随机样本中,共有70%的人说,他们在旅行之前始终使用旅行前的预防性健康服务。来自加纳(OR = 2.5),具有合法居留身份(OR 2.5),探访朋友和亲戚而不是出差或丧葬(OR = 6.7),居住在阿姆斯特丹(OR = 5.1)都与使用旅行前的预防保健服务,以及采取的一般预防措施(OR = 3.0),以及自我报告的疟疾预防使用情况。出行前预防保健服务的更多使用与更好地了解疟疾本身没有关联。结论应鼓励西非人,特别是非加纳人,非法移民和在短时间内离开的西非移民使用旅行前的预防性健康服务。需要制定适当的方法来接触这些人群,包括对预防的总体意义进行健康教育。



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