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Unlocking radiation resistance mechanisms: still a long way to go


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Recent transcriptome analysis revealed that Deinococcus radiodurans efficiently coordinate their recovery from ionizing radiation through a complex network of DNA repair and metabolic pathway switching. However, the additional discovery of numerous irradiation-response genes has provided new targets for the identification of genes primarily crucial to radiation resistance. Investigations based on electron microscopy suggest that the observed radiation resistance in D. radiodurans might be partly caused by the presence of an unusual ring-like conformation of nucleoids. Although such investigations provide useful insights into the mechanisms underlying radiation resistance, a more detailed empirical explanation of why D. radiodurans is so radiation resistant is still needed. Further research based on alternative genetic and biochemical approaches should help to gain a better understanding of the mechanisms involved in DNA repair.
机译:最近的转录组分析表明,通过复杂的DNA修复和代谢途径转换网络,放射链球菌有效地协调了它们从电离辐射中的恢复。然而,许多辐射响应基因的额外发现为鉴定对辐射抗性至关重要的基因提供了新的靶标。基于电子显微镜的研究表明,观察到的D. radiodurans中的辐射抗性可能部分是由于存在异常的类核环状结构所致。尽管这样的研究为深入了解辐射抗性的机理提供了有用的见识,但是仍然需要更详细的经验解释来解释为什么放射线虫如此抗辐射。基于替代遗传和生化方法的进一步研究应有助于更好地理解DNA修复所涉及的机制。



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