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Evaluation of the antioxidant effects of carotenoids from Deinococcus radiodurans through targeted mutagenesis, chemiluminescence, and DNA damage analyses


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Deinococcus radiodurans is highly resistant to reactive oxygen species (ROS). The antioxidant effect of carotenoids in D. radiodurans was investigated by using a targeted mutation of the phytoene synthase gene to block the carotenoid synthesis pathway and by evaluating the survival of cells under environmental stresses. The colorless mutant R1ΔcrtB of D. radiodurans failed to synthesize carotenoids, and was more sensitive to ionizing radiation, hydrogen peroxide, and desiccation than the wild type, suggesting that carotenoids in D. radiodurans help in combating environmental stresses. Chemiluminescence analyses showed that deinoxanthin, a major product in the carotenoid synthesis pathway, had significantly stronger scavenging ability on H2O2 and singlet oxygen than two carotenes (lycopene and β-carotene) and two xanthophylls (zeaxanthin and lutein). Deinoxanthin also exhibited protective effect on DNA. Our findings suggest that the stronger antioxidant effect of deinoxanthin contribute to the resistance of D. radiodurans. The higher antioxidant effect of deinoxanthin may be attributed to its distinct chemical structure which has an extended conjugated double bonds and the presence of a hydroxyl group at C-1′ position, compared with other tested carotenoids.
机译:辐射球菌对活性氧(ROS)具有高度的抵抗力。通过使用八氢番茄红素合酶基因的定向突变来阻断类胡萝卜素的合成途径,并通过评估细胞在环境胁迫下的存活情况,研究了类胡萝卜素在放射线虫中的抗氧化作用。 D. radiodurans的无色突变体R1ΔcrtB不能合成类胡萝卜素,并且比野生型对电离辐射,过氧化氢和干燥更加敏感,这表明D. radiodurans中的类胡萝卜素有助于抵抗环境压力。化学发光分析表明,类黄嘌呤是类胡萝卜素合成途径的主要产物,其对H2O2和单线态氧的清除能力明显强于两种胡萝卜素(番茄红素和β-胡萝卜素)和两种叶黄素(玉米黄质和叶黄素)。地黄嘌呤也显示出对DNA的保护作用。我们的发现表明,去黄嘌呤的较强的抗氧化作用有助于D. radiodurans的抵抗。与其他测试的类胡萝卜素相比,去黄嘌呤的较高抗氧化作用可能归因于其独特的化学结构,该结构具有延伸的共轭双键和C-1'位置存在羟基。



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