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Data driven asset management wins acclaim


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Digital surveying company Yotta's 'Horizons' asset management software is proving a hit with highways authorities around the country. Lancashire, Halton and the London Borough of Richmond are among the latest authorities to introduce the 'Horizons' software platform, which integrates Geographic Information Systems and asset management with mapping to bring highways data to life. Horizons is the product of digital surveying specialist Yotta (see below). Lancashire is using its software to give a clear view of the county council's 7000km road network. Highways database manager Rebecca Makinson says: "We want to get the best out of our network using the budgets we have to work with. One of the many things we like about Horizons is the ability to generate maintenance scheme lists that tell us exactly what needs addressing and what it will cost." Richmond plans to centralise all highways data within Horizons to provide the information it needs for more effective planning of schemes and selection of appropriate treatment. "The software will enable us to bring together a wealth of data from a wide range of sources to help us with forward planning. It is a useful tool for making informed choices about where to spend our highways funds," says the borough's head of network management Stuart Walmsley.
机译:数字测量公司Yotta的“ Horizo​​ns”资产管理软件在全国各地的公路当局中受到了打击。兰开夏郡(Lancashire),霍尔顿(Halton)和里士满的伦敦自治市镇(London Borough of Richmond)等是最新推出“地平线”软件平台的机构,该平台将地理信息系统和资产管理与地图集成在一起,使高速公路数据栩栩如生。 Horizo​​ns是数字测量专家Yotta的产品(请参见下文)。兰开夏郡正在使用其软件清晰地看到县议会的7000公里公路网。高速公路数据库经理Rebecca Makinson表示:“我们希望利用必须处理的预算来从网络中获得最大收益。我们喜欢Horizo​​ns的众多优势之一就是能够生成维护计划列表,该列表可以告诉我们确切的需求解决问题及其成本。”里士满计划在Horizo​​ns中集中所有高速公路数据,以提供所需的信息,以更有效地计划方案和选择适当的处理方法。自治市镇网络负责人说:“该软件将使我们能够收集来自各种来源的大量数据,以帮助我们进行前瞻性规划。这是一个有用的工具,可让您明智地选择将高速公路资金用于何处。”管理Stuart Walmsley。



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